Tuesday, June 19, 2012

GI Appointment and Water Park

Carter's GI appointment went really well.  They did take all of his measurements and he is still a little bitty toot.  His weight is in the 10th percentile.  Little Carter weighed 20 pounds 6 oz.  At least he is out of the teens now!!  He really has not grown since his 12 month checkup which was about 2 months ago but the doctor said not to worry that after they turn one, they start growing in spurts instead of week to week like they used to.  Plus he is walking and even more active than he was.  As long as he is on the charts at all then that means he is normal.  They also said to give him MiraLAX every day and he should grow out of his constipation one day.  They said it's very normal for infants/toddlers to go through constipation.

They let us give them a break down of everything we feed Carter and they said it all sounds great and not to change a thing that we are doing with him.  It's great just to hear that from another doctor besides his regular pediatrician.  So hopefully we are done with appointments for a while besides just a regular checkup.

After his appointment Mom, Tosh, Carter and I did a little shopping.  He did great and did not fuss one time.  I have such a good boy!!

Carter had a pretty fun weekend.  Mom and I took him to the water park, Saturday, in Murfreesboro.  That park is every toddler-6 year old's dream.  He loved it and walked and splashed around.  I am going to try to take him at least once a week so he can get some sun and get used to the water.  He fell one time and his whole head went under water.  I expected it to totally ruin his day, but he never acted like it bothered him.  I think he was more shocked than anything.  Nick and I took him back the next day and he was not so into it like he was the day before but he still had fun.  I only took one picture with my phone and the rest are on my camera, I will have to upload them soon.

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