Friday, June 8, 2012

ENT Checkup

We had Carter's Ear, Nose, and Throat checkup at Children's Hospital yesterday.  Since his appointment was at 8:15 we decided to go up and stay the night before.  A really good decision!  I can't imagine having to get Carter up at like 5:30 when he sleeps in until about 8:30 to 9:30 every morning.  He was grouchy when he had to get up at 7:00. 

Anyways, Carter is good to go!!  The wonderful doctor said that he thinks he has grown out of his acid reflux and his adenoids are no longer swollen.  We are going to conitnue all of his medicine for the rest of this month then we he is taking him off of it.  Thank goodness!!  Medicine is no fun....especially when it is three of them twice a day.  We are beyond happy for Carter.  Now if we can just get his constipation problem resolved then he will be completely healthy.  We go for that appointment at Children's in a couple of weeks.

The hotel that we stayed at was really nice.  The crib that they brought to the room, though, was really really old and really really hard.   And there were no bumper pads.  Carter is a crazy sleeper and he really needs them so we just let him sleep in the bed with us.

On our way home we stopped and ate at Chili's.  I had already packed Carter food for him for the whole trip.  I guess it is just habit.  Because Chili's has a great menu with lots of stuff I like for him to eat.  But he ate salmon, mango, carrots, and green beans, along with some of mom's chicken and tomatoes from her salad.

While in that shopping center I bought myself a little happy.  I got some really good, light running shoes.  I got to break them in really well yesterday doing bleachers and I love them.  I think I made a good choice.

Carter has finally decided to walk.  He is doing really well.  He has gone from taking 2-3 steps to about 20-30 in about 3 days.  When he wants to get somewhere quickly, he still prefers to crawl though.  But I am proud of him and I love watching him walk.  It is just so funny and precious.  He still don't really know what to do with his hands so he looks like a zombie and holds them straight out....I guess for balance.  Sometimes the top of his body gets to going way faster than his legs and he takes off in a dead run, not meaning to.  And it usually results in a very dramatic face plant.  But he's getting better and better!

The doctor asked us if Carter was streaming two words together and I about laughed in his face.  He is seriously saying nothing except daddy and dog and sometimes fish.  He did like the fact that he can recognize things that we ask and point to them.  He will probably be like his daddy and not say a word until he is 2.  He has his crazy days when he likes to babble a whole lot but for the most part he is very very quiet.

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