Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weekend in Conway

It is Tuesday and I am just now re-cooperating from our weekend get-a-way.  We had plans to leave Nashville around 2:00 so we could get up to Conway a little early and spend some time with Cousin Nolan and his parents.  Around 1:00 I notice that my tire light is on but I still drive it town and not think anything about it because it does come on occasionaly without anything being wrong with it.  When I got to town I noticed that my tahoe was slightly lower to one side.  I get out when I get to my dad's office and I have a flat.  So I ask him if he can keep the little one while I went and had it fixed.  Long story short...I needed 4 brand new tires and an alignment.  My tahoe needs huge tires so.....$924.00 later I have a smooth riding tahoe and we didn't get to leave until about 4:00.  Talk about mad!!!  My sweet, loving hubby paid for it and I could tell that he was not thrilled about it.

Anyway, I won't go into full fledge detail, like usual, about my weekend.  We had lots of fun though.  We got to see lots of family and friends which was much needed for us.  This weekend is just what the doctor ordered.  Carter was in a really good mood the entire weekend.  He was constantly on the go!  He ate like a pig, played so hard, and pretty much showed out for everyone.  Nick got to spend some quality time with friends that he don't get to see near enough.  He had a great time.  I didn't get to have as much friend time as I wanted but I still had a great time with family and hanging out with Carter.

Nolans birthday was great.  He is such a special little boy and so very handsome.  I can't believe that he is one.  It just honestly don't seem possible.  It just seems like he should be about 5 months old.  NOT 12!!!  He was surrounded by all the great people that love him on his birthday and you could tell that he loved the attention.  He is the happiest 1 year old that I have ever seen and that's so great.  I know that Abbie and Neil are so proud to be able to call him their son and I know they have so many enjoyable moments everyday.  I am so glad that Carter is able to have him as a cousin and one day best friend.  I see lots of trouble being stirred up by those two and I would not have it any other way.  Don't think that this momma/aunt won't give some whippings though!! :)   They will make so many great memories together.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROARK NOLAN REEVES!!  We love you.

Day 1

1 Year


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