Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hey guys!!  Long time, no blog!  Sorry about that.  We really have not been up to all that much.  Friday I spent some quality time with my little monkey.  We were l-a-z-y!  We spent a big part of the day in the big bed watching cartoons, reading books, and eating Cheerios and sweet potatoes.  I can't tell you how much he loves being in our bed.  He gets so crazy/hyper when he is in it.  Since he does not sleep with us, it's like Christmas morning for him when he finally does get in it.  It is the forbidden place and I guess it makes him feel like a rebel and a big boy.  Nick and I were finding Cheerios all night Friday.  Ooops!

Saturday Mom, Nana, Carter, and I made a trip to Texarkana to hit up the sales.  We went to Hobby Lobby and got ALLLLL of Carter's birthday party stuff on sale.  I am done.  I have like 2 1/5 months, too.  That has to be some sort of record for me.  I am on the ball on this party.  He will only turn 1 once, right?  My mom bought most of the decorations, which she did not have to do.  I argued with her at the checkout counter for a little while and realized that I was fighting a losing battle.  I am so thankful for her and don't know what Carter and I would do without her.  She did promise to let me buy the cake/drinks/snacks though.  We'll see.  I have so many cute ideas for pictures and decorations.  Carter was a little angel the entire time we were there.  It shocked me because he has not been a little angel, in public, here recently.

Sunday Callie, Cody, and Ava came over to watch the Super Bowl.  Carter and Ava are starting to be more active together it seems.  She is still leaps and bounds ahead of Carter.  She is for sure a full time walker now and it took everything Carter had to crawl to keep up with her!  She sat on Carter's truck/walking toy while Carter pushed her, though!  He was straining but he managed to get her halfway across the rug.  It was really cute!

Yesterday started my workout without boot camp.  I met Tonya Stanley at the track and we walked/jogged 2 1/5 miles then ran bleachers.  Then I went up to the gym to meet Adriane Picket and Erin Bell and I did about 35 minutes on the elliptical trainer then we worked shoulders and back.  I am really going to enjoy that!

Here are some pictures that I have taken the last several days.

He LOVES sitting in the big recliner with his Daddy!

Reading Daddy his book.

Sweetest kisses in the world!

This is why I can't get ANYTHING done while I am at work.  He tries to help way too much.  You may notice the phone is off the hook.

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