Thursday, March 1, 2012

Nashville, AR

I have seen Nashville pull together in a huge way in the last couple of days.  The AEDC came and stayed at our hotel.  They took a tour of Nashville and the different industries.  They were so impressed in our in our town, school system, and the people.  I was so amazed at all the effort that all of the business' put in to "wine and dine" these people.  They also attended a banquet that the city and school held for them.  They only had good things to say about their whole experience in our wonderful town.  I see all of these status' on facebook saying how they can't wait to get out of Nashville or that they are so sick of this town...blah, blah, blah.  Well, I am one that takes pride in our great city and I think that we all take for granted just how great things are here.  I am so glad to be a part of the Nashville family and I am so happy to be able to raise my son here.  I know he will get the best education possible and have lots of great people surrounding him.

Anyways, we were full at our hotel last night--turning people away.  We are full again this weekend---already turning more people away.  So I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off and looks like I will be doing it again this weekend.  It is so great for our business and I would love to be this tired for the hotel every day. 

Carter slept through the whole night again last night without waking a single time.  We are just waiting for it to be a fluke.  We are honestly in shock every morning when we wake refreshed.  He is still precious and still a good boy.

We are loving life!! :)

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