Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Date in the Bathtub

Mine and Callie's wonderful husbands went yo-yo fishing last night (Callie and I tried our hardest to figure out what in the world that was).  Supposedly they put some kind of fishing stuff in the water and then wait a couple hours to see if they caught any.  Really??  Do they just stare at each other during those two hours?  Then what if nothing was on the string?  They just waisted all that time for absolutely nothing?  Just sounds like a very lame excuse to get out of Daddy duties to me!  Naw, I'm just joshing!  I am glad that they got to go actually do something fun and during the week.  They both work lots of hours so I guess they deserve it.  But honestly, if it was me and I got to choose something to do fun I would for sure not choose to go sit in a boat staring at the water for hours waiting for something to jump on it.  Just sayin. 

Callie invited Carter and I over to hang out for a while since we would both be manning the babies by ourselves.  The kiddos had a good time.  Ava was all over the place laughing and walking up a storm while Carter does his usual thing.....playing with toys by himself in silence and not wanting to be bothered.  Two totaly different personalities there.  We decided to give them a bath together.  We are already planning their wedding and this will for sure be on their slide show during the ceremony.

You can't get any more precious than that!!

Here recently I bought my three most favorite babies some of the cutest Easter baskets!  They were a really great price so I just had to get them.  Here is Ava's:

And here is Carter's and my nephew Nolan's:
They are so much bigger than what I thought they would be!

Since Nick's mom loves Easter, probably just as much as Christmas, I have decided to let her have them so she can fill them up and give them to the boys.  I really think she will love that.  She always goes all out for Easter. 

We have such a busy weekend planned.  Since Nolan's birthday party is Saturday, we have decided to just make a weekend out of it and stay in Conway from Friday to probably Monday.  We are staying with Nick's best friend, Brent.  We both have several friends in that area so we will be making our rounds to see everyone before and after the big birthday bash!  I can't believe that my precious nephew will be one year old tomorrow.  That just hurts my little ol' soul.  They are not supposed to grow up this fast.  Before we know it they will be starting school.  Scary.

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