Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cousin Time and 10 Months

Carter and Nolan got to have lots and lots of cousin time this weekend.  They are so super cute together!  These were taken at Nick's parent's house.

Carter has two new obsessions....spinning tires and opening and closing doors.  Once he gets started on one of these he will be there for a good 20 minutes.


My baby boy is 10 months old today.  I can't believe it.  Only 2 months until his big birthday bash!!  He is doing so well on his feet.  His balance is still not all that great but he is a walking machine with his toys, along furniture, walls, ect.  As long as he can hang on to something he is good to go!  He is wearing shoes every day now so he can get used to them.  He was really sloppy with them a couple days ago and now they really don't bother him anymore.

Richard Carter,

Hey little buddy!  I still love you more than anything in this world and I am still your most favorite person!  Your daddy gets so mad and I love that!!  He tries so hard to get you to like him more than me but we have that unbreakable bond.  I know my days are limited until you will no longer want to be with me, though, so I am soaking it all in.  You have yet to give Daddy kisses and you kiss me about 50 times a day.  You rock!  Men are still not on your high list but you really love the ladies!!  If it is not a man that you are around A LOT  then you are really not comfortable with them at all!  But a woman that you have never seen before can hold you all day.  I still rock you to sleep every single time you go to sleep.  People make fun of me for that but guess what.....it is my most favorite time of the day and you really like it so that's what we are going to do until you will not let me anymore.  The best advice that I have ever gotten that made the most sense to me was to hold you as long and as much as I can because I only have a couple of years to do that.  A couple of years will just fly by.  Almost one year already has and it seriously needs to slow down.  Your daddy and I love to sit and watch you.  We could do it for hours.  We always wonder what in the world is going on in your head.  You are the biggest analyzer that we have ever seen....especially for a baby.  Your attention span is so huge and you will stay on one thing trying to figure it out for a long time.  Even though you have a few minor complications breathing and sleeping you are still a very happy baby and very rarely fussy.  We are so thankful for that.  I love you always!

Love, Mom  

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