Friday, April 26, 2013

Ear Infection

So, as you may know Carter ran fever for about three days.  It was never really high...101 most of the time.  So, we just thought it was either from his shot or his back tooth his doctor said he had coming in, and he never does good with either of those.  He was still eating great, drinking great, and he never once acted "sick".  By yesterday, day three, I had started to feel like a really crappy mom for just loading him up with Tylenol and Motrin only to have his fever come back.  So we went to the doctor...a new doctor I might add.  We loved his other doctor, but hated the billing system that came with that building.  Anyways, we went to Carter's doctor's wife in Ashdown and she is sooooo amazing!!  Love her!  It took her two seconds to look in his ears to see that his right ear was badly infected and his left one was not far from it.  Poor Carter!!!

BUT!!  She also said that she did see lots of fluid in his ears...hence the no talking.  If you can't hear all that well, you are not learning how to talk all that well!  So she said after his hearing test and his speech evaluation, we may be looking to get tubes.  So now I find myself yelling at him like an idiot.

On a side note....make this:
I dare you!
I can't remember if I saw this on Facebook or on Pinterest but I can tell you that it is now one of our favorite meals and it is so stupid easy (which is the only way I cook)!!
Green beans-Canned, fresh, or frozen.  I used canned because I was too lazy to walk into the other room to our freezer.  I know my fresh ones would have had more taste..maybe next time.
Chicken or pork chops-I used pork chops.  We are sick of chicken.
Potatoes- I used the small red ones since they are easier to cut up.
1 Packet of Dry Italian dressing mix.
About 4-5 spoons of butter.  I probably used more :)
All you do is arrange the food like you see in the picture, sprinkle packet of Italian dressing mix, and spoon butter on top of it all.  Don't cover.  Place in 350 oven for one hour and dinner is done! I'm sure it would work in crock pot just as well and I bet ranch dressing mix would be amazing also!  Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Nick really liked it and Carter probably ate more than any 2 year old should.
I'll be looking for feedback on your meal ;)
I have really been trying to cook at home every night--I got off of it there for a couple weeks.  It just seems that it is the perfect ending to our day.  I can tell that Carter is a lot  happier when we eat at home (and he eats better) and Nick enjoys it too.  Plus, it's healthier.


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