Monday, April 8, 2013


Not much to report.  We are loving the amazing weather, of course.  I can't keep my child inside even if his nose is running like a faucet and he is coughing his head off.  He sure keeps me on my toes!

Carter is a genius in the making.  He loves learning his numbers, letters, and colors.  He has his letters down pretty good now, but he is getting more into numbers.  If I say one, he says two.  The only number he will say is two and that's only after I say one.  He loves for me to count things for him as he picks them up. 

He is beginning to throw words out left and right.  I am a crazy mom and I have done all the wrong things when it comes to worrying about Carter, I'll be the first to admit.  First, I have read the Internet on speech delay.  Yikes....that lead me down some pretty emotional roads.  Sometimes it would pretty much convince that Carter had a learning problem.  Then other times it gave me hope because it would tell me that it is totally normal for little boys to be a little behind, especially when they are too busy mastering other skills like pushing trucks and climbing on things (my child).  But my biggest mistake is that I have compared him with others.  So here I am comparing him to Ava Parker, who is freakishly smart and speaking in sentences.  So, I have decided to stop worrying and take everyone's advice:  He will talk when he is ready.  I have also been told that when boys hit about 2 years old their vocabulary "explodes".  Looks like that's what is going to happen with Carter...I hope.

Yesterday, in a total of 5 minutes Carter said dog, daddy, truck, duck, again, juice and two.  That's the most I have ever heard him say words in such a short time and I loved it!  It was music to my hears.  So, please pray that he continues to do that...for my sanity!

He understands everything!  He can do 2 and 3 step commands like a champ.  He has his 2 year appointment the 22nd so we will see what the good ol' doc has to say about it all.

Moving right along...

AD and I have been training for our relay that is Sunday.  Our leg is 5.5 miles.  I really think that we are golden for 4.5 miles right now, at a pretty good pace, and we only have this week to fit 1 more mile in there.  So, again, prayers would be appreciated.  We are really going to try our hardest not to walk!!


  1. Dont worry about Carter (easier said than done I know)....but i've been there and done that. Brooklyn didn't say ONE SINGLE WORD until a few days before her 2nd birthday. On her birthday weekend all of a sudden she started saying most words when asked and it has been improving ever since. He's on a good track...especially bc he's so dang smart. B knows zero letters/numbers/colors. She could care less.

  2. Thank you for this Sydney! That makes me feel better, I kinda get carried away when I worry!
