Monday, April 15, 2013

Hogeye Marathon Weekend

Well, I survived.  Just barely, but I did to say the least.  AD and I thought that we had trained hard enough and that we were ready.  I got news for you, we didn't and we weren't.  There is nowhere in the small town of Nashville to train for those kind of hills that we had to run.  Out of our 5.5 miles that we ran, I would be willing to bet that at least half of it was up hill.  And these hills were NOT little.  But, just to tell you how awesome we are.....we didn't walk one time AND we beat our best time that we had here in Nashville by quite a bit.  My hips and behind are really really sore this morning but it was so worth it.  There is nothing like finishing something like that and having that feeling of pride wash over you.  We had a ton of fun together and everyone did amazing.  It was a good experience.  We will for sure be signing up for more races in our near future.  Up next is Warrior Dash that is next month.  A 5k will seem short for us so yeah....we are about to murder it.

AD and I also got to watch the Hogs baseball game while we were there and we stayed in a very nice hotel with a feather down comforter.  I slept so good but I do have to admit that I missed my terrible sleeper that is my son.  One thing that I am sure country girls did not belong in that scene.  I had to text my mom and ask how much to tip the valet parking dude.  We were completely clueless.

I swear just in that one short day that I didn't see Carter he has gained 5 pounds and has gotten at least an inch taller.  Judging by the sun burn on his arms and face...he must have stayed outside the entire time.

Speaking of outside, he has learned the word "outside".  So, what do you think I get to hear the ENTIRE time we are inside?  "Outhide".  And he can't just say it, he has to yell it.  So, please tell me why he has not said Mommy yet???

All in all I had a wonderful weekend and would do it all over again if I had the choice.

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