Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2 Year Checkup

Carter had a great birthday party. All if his best friends and cousins came. We also lucked out and had a bouncy house there that we had not even planned on having. That was a hit!!  He didn't eat a bite of cake, but that's ok. Also, we asked for no presents, because the kid has way too many, and everyone that came to the party brought one. Carter is so loved!!!

Carter's 2 year appointment was Monday.

Weight- 27 pounds 1.5 oz- 35%
Length- 34.5 in -65%
Head- 19 1/4 in -55%

He was so happy at the rate he is growing and gaining weight, so he gave him the green light for 2% milk.

He was not so happy with his speech though. He did say that he should be saying more words. He only has a handful of words he says consistently and it should be at least 50. So may 14 we are going to give him a speech evaluation to see if he needs a little speech therapy and get his hearing checked. He did mention how smart he is and that his understanding is great, he just might need a little help getting the words to come out. No biggie. If you get a chance, please pray that Carter's vocabulary will broaden so I will stop worrying!! Thanks!

He did get a mean shot and since then he has been running running fever since then. So I am at home taking care of a very cranky and needy boy. All he wants to do is bring me books to read to him and cuddle. I'm not complaining though!!

I hope everyone has a great day!!!

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