Saturday, April 20, 2013

2 Years Old

Carter's birthday is tomorrow but I will probably be busy with his party stuff, so I'll go ahead and post this today. 
Two years  EVERYONE has tried to warn me that they grow up fast, but dang.  I have wondered for a very long time what it would be like to have a 2 year old.  It seems weird even typing it, let alone accepting it.  Do I really have a boy that big?  Is it possible that I have a boy big enough to tell me, somehow, the things that he wants and how he feels?  Is he old enough to play in his playroom all by himself reading books and putting puzzles together......without me helping him?  Is he seriously big enough to feed himself with utensils with no help whatsoever?  I won't even get into the fact that he is learning his letters and numbers, because surely it's not time for that yet.  Surely he is still my baby that's not getting any older and more independent.  Right?
Richard Carter,
First, you make the terrible two stage seem pretty awesome.  I know we are just in the very very beginning stage of it but I know you, and you will stay awesome.  Even though you are starting to test your boundaries with us, you are still such a sweet kid.  Sometimes we have to use a very stern voice or pop your little booty for you to listen to us, but we know its just you opening up your curiosity side. 
Your daddy and I have really tried hard to enjoy and embrace every minute of your life that we can.  When we are with you, you are our center of attention and our whole entire world. 
There have been big changes with you after your first birthday.  I gotta admit, your first year of life was no easy one with all the sickness, doctor visits, and sleepless nights.  But since we have had your adenoids taken out, you have been nothing but perfect!  We have not been to the doctor for a sick visit in about 6 months, where before it was every other week.  You were such a trooper through it all and I will forever be grateful for that.
Thank you for loving me and your daddy as much as you do.  And thank you for loving life in general.  You are still my little miracle and proof that God does make wonderful, beautiful things.
-You still sleep in your own bed in your room from 9:00 until about 4:30, then you come running and reaching up to get in bed with us.  We are all to happy to let you up with us.  You usually wake up for good around 8:15.
-You take care of your trucks, cars, 4-wheelers, ect better than we do our own vehicles.  You still love yelling truck every time you see one.
-Puzzles, letters, and numbers are still your all time favorite things to learn. 
-We are about 99.5% sure you are left handed.  You eat left handed, when you draw (which is very rare) you use your left hand, and when you throw a ball or rock its with your left hand every time.   Since your daddy is left handed, he is so proud of that!
-You still eat eat eat!!  You love my cooking.  As of now, you are really into pastas!  You still love your veggies, steak, and chicken though.  Fish sticks and cottage cheese are always a hit, too.  And good thing you can't overdose on yogurt, apples, raisins, and goldfish, because those are still your favorite snacks.  Still not a fan of anything from a can.
-Your favorite nighttime activity is me reading to you.  We could do that all night and you would be completely happy.  I love it when you bring me book after book!
-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still your favorite tv show, but you get soooooo upset when the hot dog song comes on because you know the show is coming to an end.  It's like the end of the world.
-All of a sudden you hate brushing your teeth.  Hate it!!!!!  We literally have to hold you down to do it and you put up a good fight.  But guess what, sweety, you are not getting cavities because we didn't brush your teeth, so just give it's happening every night and every morning.
-Yes, all of your toys really do have to be put up every night before bed.  It's terrible and I may be mean for that, but again, it's happening every night.  Just do it without an attitude...for once.  Slamming toys in the toy chest counts as an attitude.
-Yes, I know you miss your Aunt Tosh.  You say her name 50 times a day.  I miss her a lot too.  She took a piece of our hearts with her.
-It has gotten better, but you are so sensitive.  If we get on to you, we have to hug really big and for a really long time all while you are fighting back huge tears before we can move on.
-You are your daddy made over in looks.  Never would I have thought to have a light haired little boy.  You have my brown eyes and complexion though and a smile that can light up a room.
-You are very jealous of your new cousins but I know y'all will be BFF's.
-Falling on purpose is hilarious to you right now.
-You still sleep with at least one truck or car clutched in hand.
-2 and 3T shirts, 2T pants, size 6.5-7 shoe, 3T pajamas.
I could seriously go on and on.  You are hilarious and constantly making us laugh.  I honestly don't remember life before you and I have no clue what I would do without you.  You are the reason for my life and I will always be here for you, even when you are 50.  I hope one day you can understand how much I love you.  God knew what he was doing when he gave you to me.  Happy 2nd birthday baby boy! (4-21-13)
Love, Mom

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