Saturday, May 4, 2013


A couple weeks ago Nick came up to me one night and asked if I wanted to go to Oklahoma to see Keatha, Matt, and Kade.  I didn't even let him get his whole sentence out before I was yelling "yes!!!".  So right then I text Keatha and asked if we could come down for a visit for about 3-4 days and her reply was "yes!!!".  I think we were a little excited!

We had the best time.  Nick and I have really been wanting to get away for a little while and that was the perfect mini-vaca.  We did all of our favorite things with our kids......ate terrible, hung out, and watched way too much tv.  We are good parents.

We also went fishing

 Let it be known that Keatha caught the FIRST fish and the BIGGEST fish in the FIRST pond so even though she caught 3 fish and Nick caught 15....she won.
Kade loved touching the fish.  Can't anything scare that kid.  My child, on the other hand, was perfectly content looking from afar.

They shared snacks and hugged....sometimes.

We also took them to the aquarium, which they loved!

I have to say, for two boys that are neck deep in the terrible two stage, they did really awesome.  My child didn't want to take a nap nor did he eat good the whole time we were there but he listened for the most part and was nice.
Neither boy was just a huge fan of sharing, but what kid is???

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