Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Room

Conway was a blast and Nolan's birthday was a huge success!  Carter pushed everything that had wheels and he wore his little self out!!  Everyone had a great time.  It was good to see a couple of friends as well and let them see my family that I am so proud of. 

So, the room.
Carter is so in love.  Every time he walks in his room he lights up and gets very very hyper!  He actually spends the majority of his time in there when we are home.  He really does have a facination with big trucks and wheels.  So glad that I did this for him.

Carter HAS to get every book down and flip through them all before bed.

He loves his steering wheel!
Wood burning done by my cousin Mark Jones Jr.  He is so talented!
So, that's it.
I'm glad he loves it so much because that's what it will be for a very long time.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Birthday Weekend

Well, it was rainy yesterday and pretty slow at the hotel.  So I was just sitting at home, on the couch, yesterday morning and found myself walking to the front door, getting in my car, and driving to the Home Improvement store.  (I had no prior plans of doing this).  I picked out colors for Carter's room, on a whim, and bought all painting material that I needed.  The colors that I picked out for two walls are navy blue and the other two walls are gray.  It looks really good together.  It didn't take as long as I thought to paint since Nick decided he wanted to help some.  Anyways, with my mom's help this morning I finally managed to get Carter's whole room done.  Thank God!!  So glad it's done with and over.  We moved Carter's mattress into our room and that's where he slept last night and he's going to be there again tonight.  I only took one picture so here is a sneak peek.  I'll post the rest of the room later.  But I gotta say...his room is pretty cool.  I can't wait to see the look on his face.

And there is a whole lot more awesomeness on the other walls.  That's a pretty big honkin truck, right??!!  There are a couple things, such as a wood burning of a monster truck, and letters of his name that I am painting for the walls, but that's easy stuff.  It also seems that Carter will be getting a new dresser and night stand to go in his room, thanks to my mom.  The dresser that I have in his room now is from when I was little.  The drawers are not even on their tracks anymore.  Yikes.  My parents got their money out of it, that's for sure!
We are going to spend the weekend in Conway and see several friends tomorrow.  It's always weird for me to go to Conway, since that was my home for 2 years.  Man, that place is growing!  Don't get me wrong, I don't miss it ONE BIT, but it's always nice going for a visit.  Small towns are definitely my speed.
My Nephew, Nolan, is going to be 2 Sunday.  Where the HECK has the time gone?? It all happens way too fast and I'm not liking it one bit.  Nolan is such a sweet and outgoing little boy.  He is so precious and so special.  I sure do wish that he and Carter could be around each other more and, just maybe, his outgoing-ness would rub off on my little monster.  He has the best arm that I have ever seen on a 1 year old so when he makes it to the Major Leagues, he better remember me!!  I love that boy!  Can't wait to party like a rockstar Sunday!
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!! 
 Happy Friday!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine's Celebration

So, last blog I mentioned that all I wanted for Valentine's Day was for Nick to take me to my most favorite restaurant in the world....Little Italy.  I love the one in Glenwood.  If you have not tried it, you should.  We finally found time that we could both go yesterday afternoon.  There were tornado warnings and it was raining pretty hard, but that was not going to stop me.  I WAS going to have my Little Italy fix.  My heart and soul was set on having the heavenly bread and their marinara sauce and then on top of that, for an appetizer, I was going to get cheese sticks.  For my main meal I was going to get some garlic and oil noodles splashed with lemon juice....omg.  I even skipped lunch so I would be super hungry and eat all that I could fit in my stomach.  The closer we got to Glenwood, the more my mouth watered and the more excited I got.  It's honestly pathetic how much I was looking forward to it.  I round the curve, turn into the parking lot........CLOSED!!!!!  What the @#$$^&^%^????  I was beyond livid.  The Fish Nest there was packed so we settled on the Mexican restaurant.  We drove 30 miles to eat at a place that we literally have 4 of within a 10 mile radius of us.  Little Italy-1 Catherine and Nick-0.  A trip back to Glenwood will be penciled in soon.

Bought Carter this little chair last week at Walmart.  He loves it and uses it a lot while he watches tv, reads his books, or eats a snack.  I decided he needed something when he tried to sit on a ball several times to do those things.
I also ordered this little jewel for Carter (Yes, he is way too spoiled), but I got it for a very good price!  He loves to climb and he loves to slide on things, so I thought this would be perfect for him.
Is it just me or does the thing in the picture not look that big?  I asked Nick to blow it up for Carter while I went and worked out and when I walked in the living room I about fainted.  It literally takes up half of our living room.  It's huge.  I have no clue where we are going to put it for now.  So, it's just chillin in our living room like we don't have any sense.  When it gets warm enough...it's going outside!  It's pretty much da bomb diggity, though.
Carter is putting on weight so well right now.  He is eating like a pig and really starting to fill out, especially in the chest area.  He does not seem to be getting any taller, though.  With a short daddy and a short momma....he is destined to be short.  I just believe that with his next check up his weight percentile will spike and his length will go down significantly unless he just shoots up the next couple months.  But to me, he is perfect no matter what!  Short people are pretty awesome with their big personalities! ;)
Carter has become quite the little chatterbox.  Not with actual words....it's mostly nonsense...but man he is making some noise!  He is coming out of his little shell and giving out hugs left and right to people and it just warms my heart.  He is changing in a lot of ways for the better.
When it comes to that little boy, love is seriously not a strong enough word.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Last night I got to keep Carter's best friend for a little while.  I got to give two bubble baths at the same time and make sure two little hoodlums ate good at the same time.  The bath was....interesting.  I had one wanting all the toys that the other had in his hand and the other was dumping water out of the bath tub with a full cup.  At the end of the bath I was soaked and so was the entire bathroom.  BUT IT WAS A BLAST!  It definitely sealed the deal that I for sure want another child one day and it also confirmed my want for another boy.  I can't wait for sleepovers!!

The domestic side of me is still on full throttle for some odd reason, because I would be the last person to say that I am in any way domestic by nature.  In honor of Mardi Gras I made some jambalaya in the crock pot.  It was so good!  Nick had seconds and the kids ate it up like no one's business.  It was really easy.  I was even a big girl and put in several spices such as bay leaves, oregano, parsley, and several others.  They make a difference and made my house smell amazing.  We also had mustard potato salad and roll to go along with it (bought from brookshires).

Then after Carter's best friend left I made me and him some breakfast that is quick and easy for mornings.  I usually like for him to eat oatmeal for breakfast on the weekends, and he eats it really well, most of the time.  But most weekends I try to have something planned for us to do instead of being cooped up in the house and it's just easier to have breakfast pre-made.  So I made these beauties.  Plus, it mixes it up a bit for him.  He usually eats yogurt with every breakfast as well.

Oatmeal muffins.
They are made with whole grain rolled oats, whole milk, homemade (no sugar added) applesauce, bananas, Cinnamon, vanilla, and dried raisins.  I froze them and then when we need them, I'll just pop them in the microwave and BOOM....breakfast is done!
My boy loves yogurt raisins from the store.  He eats them like crazy when they are offered to him.  I read the ingredients list on the back and I have just decided that they are not good for him at all.  Way too much sugar and artificial stuff.  And the "yogurt" is not real yogurt.  It's dried icing.  SO bad for his teeth.  So I got some low fat vanilla Greek yogurt and dipped raisins and blueberries in the yogurt and I froze them for a snack for Mr. Carter.  Cheaper and better for him.
I have also learned how to make fruit roll ups.  Just blend up whatever fruit you want, pour it out onto a cookie sheet lined with nonstick paper, and put in oven on lowest temperature until they are dried.  Cut them into little squares and roll them up.  So simple!  And again, no artificial anything or added sugar.
Those type of things just give me a better feeling as a mother, obviously.  If you want any of the recipes feel free to message me.
Carter gave us a 4 night streak of sleeping all night in his bed.  We really appreciated it.  But low and behold, this morning at 4 A.M. he came in our room, with one truck in each hand from his room, and wanted in our bed with us.  After attempting to play trucks for a while, he finally fell asleep at 5:30 with trucks clutched.  He is one silly kid.
Well, it's Valentine's Day and I am stuck at work.  All I asked from Nick is that he take me out to eat at Little Italy.  Since I am working tonight and we both got plans over the weekend, it will probably have to wait until Sunday or Monday evening.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!
Tell all the special people in your life that you love them today!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

One Word.


 That's what I was last night and this morning. I decided to try to make se crock pot oatmeal for my boy and me this morning. It was so stupid easy!!!

- 1 cup of steel cut oats
- 2 cups milk (I used whole)
- 2 1/2 cups water.

Stir in the crock pot and put on low for 8 hours. Bata-bing, bata-boom..... Perfect oatmeal waiting on us in the morning.  I stirred half a banana and about a teaspoon honey for sweetness and a dash of cinnamon. Carter murdered it!!! I put peanut butter in my oatmeal. Before you judge me... Try it. You may just be surprised at how good it is.

And since Nick would rather eat his arm than eat oatmeal I made him scrambled eggs, toast, and sausage. Shhhhhhhh.... The sausage was turkey sausage as he had no clue.  I find it quite hilarious because he swears up and down he would never like/eat anything that's been substituted with turkey. Bahahahaha!!!!!

But since I know my man likes his milk super cold, I made up for the turkey sausage and got up a little early and put a glass of milk in the freezer for him.

Welp, I spoke way too soon about Carter being happy all the time because he sure is cranky this morning.  We had planned on goin to church... I laid out his clothes last night and everything... But since he has a bad cough and a green snotty nose I don't think other mothers would appreciate me bringing him around their kids. So, we are staying inside and bein creative!

Happy Sunday everyone!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Little This, A Little That

What up?  I'm sitting at work, hating the fact that I have to work every Friday and Saturday evening.  I'm sulking, really.  Weekends are the days that my boy does not have to go to Mrs. Lisa's and those are supposed to be my day.  Instead he gets to hang out with Nick all day.  I'm jealous.  Every time he spends the majority of his time with Daddy, I have to convince him that I'm cool too and he does love me just as much as Nick.  It does not take much convincing on my part, though! :)  He sure does love his Momma!

On to something else...

I think I am a bipolar eater.  One day I will only eat fruits, turkey sandwiches, salads and only drink water.  The next I find myself ordering a large meat lovers pizza for lunch, along with a 2 liter coke, then on my way home getting an oreo freezie.....with extra oreos for a dollar more.  Yikes.  I get on my own nerves.  Thank goodness today is one of the healthier days.  Oatmeal, ramon noodles, and a salad.  It's not perfect, but it's not too bad.  Thank GOD I can fluctuate my weight pretty easy, or I would be some kind of ginormous.

Carter has a runny nose.  It's annoying.  We are literally having to wipe his nose like every 5 minutes.  He is also starting to have a bad cough so we are giving him Tussin every 4 hours on the dot and practically bathing him in Vick's Vapor Rub at night.  It really seems to help break up some of that junk in his chest, though, so hopefully it won't last too long.

Some pictures
My sweet boy came to see me at work yesterday.  He HAS to have cheerioes and fruit loops every single time he comes into the hotel.  He knows exactly where they are, too!  He is also a pretty good door greeter.  When an elderly man walked in to check into his room, Carter shook his hand and the old man gave him 3 bucks!!  Not too shabby!

He now as a mouth full.  I am not even sure how many he has now.
We have such a happy and healthy baby right now.  He is eating so well and he is always smiling and playing.  I can't tell you the last time he has cried or even thrown a fit.  Seriously, can't recall the last time I saw tears come out of his eyes.  When we tell him "no" about something, he listens and moves on to something else.  I am usually not one to boast about all the good and no bad about something, but besides him not being a good sleeper all the time and making my house a disaster, I really can't complain about him.  He's a good boy, so far.  When that terrible two stage hits, we'll be ready!  I am so lucky to be his mom.  I just love his laid back, level headed, and sweet personality.
I will say, potty training is NOT in the near future.  He couldn't care less if he has a wet or dirty diaper on.  He refuses to poop in the same room as us, but once he does his thing, he could stay like that all day if we let him.  Silly kid.  So will my kid be the 4 year old still in diapers?  Probably.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Southern Belle Inn Employees

Hello all!  Whew, today has been a busy day!!  I have had two Travel and Tourism classes come tour the hotel and we have had a staff meeting while still checking people out, answering phone calls, and making reservations.  While I was telling the classes about our employees, it really got me to thinking today.  We have some pretty amazing people that we work with.  This is the first time in a very long time that all of our housekeepers are 100% on board with everything and will gladly do anything I ask without even a question.  They are dependable and some of the hardest working ladies that I have ever worked with.  They are the ones that make the customers come back to our clean and fresh rooms.  Very rarely do I have to correct them about something or find something that was not done to my satisfactory. 

Now, lets talk about our office managers.  WOW!  Shout out to Lee Borek and Eva Hintze!  They have wonderful attitudes and I know if I ever needed them to work 80 hours in one week they would do it in a heart beat.  They are very level headed and they make sure their job is done the very best they can.  They for sure take care of our business and our family.  Honestly, we have become just a very big family.  We all love each other and we all know we have each other's back.  I love it!!!  It's a great feeling when you love what you do!  Thank you to all my co-workers!  It's a pleasure....really.

So, now I am sitting at work waiting on the rush of people to come and check in.

I am completely done with Carter's summer clothes shopping.  I am getting so good at finding those amazing deals online.  Now all I have to do is find him some new tennis shoes, sandals, and water shoes and he will be all set!  It's a good feeling to know that I don't have to find time to go shopping for him.  Shopping is for the birds!

My diet started back today...which is a huge step, because I didn't wait until Monday.  I rock at this diet thing.  I have managed to workout every day this, though, week so I am on a roll.

Anwyays, sorry I am so boring today.  Maybe the next time I post, something really dramatic or exciting will have happened in my life that I can share.