Friday, January 18, 2013

Catch Up


So, there are actually some things that I can catch you up on. 

My Nana is back home and doing great.  She is such a rock!  I know that most of you probably already know that about her.  I have heard from so many people how strong and special they all think she is.  So, I'm not the only one that's crazy about her!  The last two weeks have been no picnic for her!  She has had it rough.  But she pushed through it like I knew that she would.  I have been running errands for her every day and I am more than happy to do that.

Operation Re-do Carter's Room is in the works.  He is starting to want to spend more time in there so I want him to really enjoy it.  And I really REALLY think he will love what I am going to do for him.  I don't want to give too many details and ruin all of your anticipation that I KNOW you all have :)

I am meeting with my Great Aunt Gloria every week and she is teaching me Spanish.  It really is not as bad as what I thought it would be.  For some reason, what she teaches me, sticks with me.  I guess it's just in my blood.  She is strict though!  Once I learn something, I can no longer say it in English.  I really do want to learn it, since a huge part of my family speaks it, and I would really love for Carter to learn it too.  My Mom is also doing it with me, but all it's doing is refreshing her memory.

When I lived in Conway, I worked at a big gymnastics place.  I was the teacher of a few Mommy and Me classes and I also taught several 3, 4, and 5 year old classes.  I was shocked at how many boys I had in my classes.  I am starting Carter on some of those techniques and I gotta say, the kid is pretty coordinated.  I so wish I had some of the equipment they had there!!  The stuff is so expensive, though.  But if he grows to love it, then we may have to break down and get some stuff.  We do have something that is about the size of a small balance beam and he walks across it like it's nothing and he almost has a front roll down.  He gets the idea, anyways.  We are starting to do more stuff like that instead of watching tv.  We have a lot of fun!  I would love it if he has a passion for gymnastics like I did.  I used to could flip like no one's business!

Carter has a new bedtime routine.  You probably already saw on Facebook, but I was letting him fall asleep on his own.  He did really well with it for a couple nights, but then he got to where he hated bedtime and he would cry once I said "night  night" because he knew that I was going to leave him alone in his room.  I didn't want him feeling like that at all, so I brought books into his room.  He picks out a book all by himself, brings it to me, then crawls up in his bed without being told.  I read him the book fairly slowly and very detailed.  I ask him all kinds of questions about the pictures and he points to the right answers.  By the end of the book he is asleep.  He is usually asleep by 8:45 which makes me so happy!  But since he goes to bed earlier, that means he wakes up earlier.  So he is up around 6:30 or 7:00 every morning which is fine by me!  He wakes up, in the middle of the night, looking for us about once or twice a week, but we can handle that.

The little puzzles that I was so amazed at how well he could put together, he is bored with now.  So we are going to have to find something a little more advanced than that.  And he can point out about 5 or 6 letters in the alphabet.  He may not say much, but he sure is learning!

Welp folks, that's all I got for you today.

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