Wednesday, January 2, 2013

BFF Time

My BFF of about 6 or 7 years ago came to see me last night.  She was so sweet to sit with me at work for a little while, then went and ate a New Years dinner with my family.  We got to catch up on lots of stuff, which I really needed.  I don't like time away from my Holli  Pockets!  But, of course it was a too short of a visit.

BUT!  My other BFF from about 12 years ago is coming to visit me tonight, along with her son and husband, Matt.  I know I have said this before but I REALLY wish they lived closer!  Nick likes her husband, a lot, and we would be those couples that did lots of double dating.  Matt and I also have a history--we "helped" each other out on a test or two in college.  I can't wait to see them.

So, it's a new year.  I have not thought about a resolution because honestly, if I thought too hard I would come up with way to many things that I would need to do in 2013.  It makes me exhausted even thinking about coming up with something.  Eventually my lists would narrow down to the exact same list that I had last year and that list didn't last for over 2 weeks so what's the point?  Resolutions are made to be broken, right?  I did eat my black eyed peas and cabbage, though, for money and good luck!!

2012 was good to us.  Can't complain much.  Carter did stress us, though, with him getting sick every time we turned around, but the good always out ways the bad and there were LOTS of good times.  Carter really is a special little boy.  A rotten one, but special.  He has not had fever in over a month and that has never happened in his whole 1.75 years of living.  Adenoids were the answer, praise God.  I am so happy where my life is.  Great marriage, great kid, great friends, great family....I would not change any of it.

Here are a couple pictures that I have taken recently.  Hope you enjoy.

Carter got to spend time with Uncle Keller and he is actually pretty fond of ol' Unc.  In this picture, Carter all but tackled him so he could get some of his ham.
These were taken at the mall.  Since Carter is a big time climber, he loved the play area.

And this was taken at my mom's house.  He LOVES the horse!
Carter is starting to be more vocal and using words that he already knows more often.  The look on Nick's face is priceless when he says Daddy.  He can't hear enough of it.  It's precious.  He still says Toshya, truck, and choo (train) more more than anything, though.  He knows a lot of body parts.  Last night my brother, Justin, asked Carter where his belly was and he pulled up his shirt to let Justin see.  I don't know where or when he learned that, because I have never seen him do that before.  That got some laughs.
Still a terrible sleeper, but getting better and better.  I think he is realizing that we really are not going to let him in bed with us.
Attitude--still there, but also getting better.  He is sick of being ignored when he does throw one.
Can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for us.  Potty training, maybe? 
2013, let's do this thing!!


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