Friday, January 11, 2013

Temple Run

As most of you probably know by now, my Nana has been in the hospital, in Hot Springs, for several days with severe pain in her abdomen area.  It was so hard to see her in that much pain for so long.  I am still not exactly sure what they have narrowed it down to or if they even know 100% but I'm thinking they said it might have been pancreatitis.  I sure do wish they would find out and make sure it don't happen again.  I have read about it and found that it is so painful that it hurts just as bad as having a baby without any medications.  OUCH!!!  My poor Nana!  But she is finally comfortable and able to drink coffee and broth.  Please pray for her and pray that it never flairs back up again!  If I could have taken her pain for her, I would have done it in a heartbeat.  Nick is taking me this evening to see her and grab a quick bite to eat.  TJ Maxx just got a lot of summer stuff in for Toddlers for cheap cheap cheap!  So we may run by there too and rack up while we can.  Their toddler stuff is never there for too long.

I am looking forward to this weekend.  I have to work tomorrow, but Sunday I get to go get fitted for a bridesmaid's dress for one of my best friend's wedding!!  We are going to Little Rock and when we are together we always have loads of fun.  Elizabeth can make me laugh more than anyone!  I sure am hoping to have some time go to spend with my sweet, sweet nephew Nolan--who is getting way too big, by the way!  That dude is growing like a weed---leaving Carter in the dust!

So, I know that I have put it on facebook, but we have started making Carter go to bed by himself.  I already miss that time so much.  But it's not about me and I had to do what I thought was best for him.  But he is handling it like the champ that he is.  He is such a good boy.

Have y'all ever played Temple Run on your phone?  Nick and I are addicted.  And it's not that it's such an amazing game, but we are addicted on beating each other's high score.  I have held high score for the last 2 days and he just texted me, like 2 minutes ago, that he just blew my high score out of the water by like 200,000 points!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't tell you how mad I am right now.  So, now I have to play the game every second until I beat that.  Carpal tunnel is starting to set in my joke.  They are starting to hurt and cramp up.  But I would let my fingers fall off before I let him beat me.  Our relationship is great, really.  Nothing wrong with some fierce friendly competition in your life.  We have agreed that while Carter is in our presence, that we can't play it.  It's pretty sad when we have to give ourselves allotted phone time because we are on them so much.

Nick and I watched Ted the other night, and we loved it.  We have not laughed that hard in a long time.  Don't judge me!  It was funny!  Nick and I agreed to be Thunda Buddies for life, too.  We are kinda disappointed that we didn't coordinate that in our vows.

That's it.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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