Friday, January 25, 2013

Growing Family

Well, I am back on my Pinterest kick and find myself pinning lots of things under "For My Future Daughter."  Weird.  First off, weird for naming a whole category that, but that was my first thought for my second child.  I always hoped to have another boy one day but...they say your first thought is the real one...or whatever.  Also weird because we are not even thinking of having another baby.  We have both agreed to wait another 2 years or so.  What's my conscience tell me??

The last of Carter's new bedroom stuff came in today.  OMG!  It's the coolest thing that I have ever seen.  Little guy is going to have a pretty cool room.  I'm hoping it will be something that he will love for at least 7 or 8 years.  So, its just waiting for me to get to work.  I have thought about starting this weekend.  At least get the walls painted.  That will be the hardest part.  So, we'll see if I get my butt in gear or not.

AD and I did bleachers and lunges Wednesday and I swear I feel like someone has hit me, on every inch below my waist, with a sledge hammer.  If I wiggle my toes, it hurts my calves.  Just walking is, in itself, a very huge struggle.  But boy, did I need that! 

Somthing HUGE!!  My first cousin, Danielle, had her first son, Tucker 2 days ago.  I just still can't believe that she is a mommy too!  So many memories come flooding my head....sneaking out of the house, knocking on neighbors doors and then running and hiding in the middle of the night, all of our talks about our boyfriends, the makeovers she just HAD to give me while I sulked (I can say this now because we can't get grounded)...and now we are mommies???  What the what???  I just can't wrap my head around that.  Tucker is SUCH a pretty baby and I can't wait to get my hands on him.  Danielle and Bradley will be amazing parents and Tucker will have so much love given to him.

Since it was so beautiful Wednesday, and since we are no longer watching tv with Carter as much, I decided to take Carter outside and let him run around.  He took off walking down the road and I just followed.  I thought that he would probably turn around and go back home shortly, like he usually does, but he just kept on a walking.  He walked about a mile and a half and Daddy had to come and pick us up.  I really think he learns so much on our little walks.  He notices every bird that flies over us, he points to the right objects when i ask him where everything is.  I really enjoy those times with him.  And he gets his exercise in.  Love my little ball of energy.

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