Thursday, August 30, 2012

This and That

This is one time that I really do not know what to say.  But I'm hoping as I rock along here I will find the right words. 

Something mom and I are going to California to visit family on September 8 and come back on the 14th.  I am always so so ready for this annual trip that we take.  We always find awesome shopping deals.  Like you have no clue!!  Jeans for 10 bucks!  And since I am still not wearing the size that I was wearing pre-baby then I am actually in need of some new pants.  I have 3 pair of jeans that fit me at the moment and I think I am wearing them out!!  I am so excited to see my Uncle Louie.  He always shows us a great time.  And, of course, I can't wait to show everyone how big Carter has gotten and the new things he is doing since last year.  Carter loved the beach last year and I know he will love it even more this time.

Something not so exciting.....I had my MRI on my knee yesterday.  Just waiting for the really great phone call to tell me that nothing is wrong with it and I am just a big baby or the dreadful call that says it's torn again, let's schedule surgery.  My knee is very tricky business right now.  I can lift weights and even run on it and it really don't hurt--but give it a couple hours after and it gets very swollen and hurting like no one's business.  I can't even stand on it for very long without it starting to hurt or swell.  I can't keep it still very long either.  If it stays bent or straight for very long it starts aching.  Weird.  Just ready to know either way.

Something yucky....Carter has been running fever all day and has not eaten anything but a couple of gold fish.  He is drinking lots of milk and juice to make up for it.  Maybe he will be better tomorrow.  But, just in case, he is staying home with me tomorrow.

Something precious......Carter, of course!! :)  He is a mess y'all.  He is all over the place here lately.  I mean, he has always been somewhat active, but he is no longer my little cautious baby anymore.  He is "jumping" off the couch and chair onto cushions, stepping off big steps like they are nothing, walking through tall grass that is head high without even thinking twice, and running and acting like a wild baboon.  These are some huge steps for him.  The old Carter would never even thinking about doing somthing that might end up hurting him.  And for the most part he is all smiles.  Always happy and in a good mood.  We are loving it!

Something addicting....Zulily App on my phone.  I swear I buy things at least 3 days a week.  My two winter boots (in black and brown) just came in today and I am soooo in love!!  For some reason I am just not too impressed about the baby stuff that I see, but I love the "boy size".  Carter has quite a bit of growing to do before he fits in that size.  Every now and then I will buy something for Carter, but I love pretty much all of the women's clothing.  It is seriously my exact style that I love!  I have already gotten in three sweaters and they fit perfectly.  Since I have gotten rid of pretty much my whole wardrobe I am in need of a new one and why not buy them when they are 50-90% off??  It's AMAZING!  You should get it!  Or actually you might not want to get is sure murdering my bank account.

Something AMAZING..... God.  Do you know him?  If not, you are really missing out.  I'm talking about someone that will be there for you through thick and thin.  He sent his one and only Son to die on the cross to set us free so that our sins can be forgiven.  Do you know how much love that is?  Would you send your only child to be killed for the world?  I know I wouldn't.  It takes a perfect soul to do that and that's exactly what God is and we should all strive to be more like him.  His love is never ending.  If you want to know more about this and want to know him as your Lord....just message me :)

I knew I could find some stuff to say! ;)

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