Sunday, September 2, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

I have had a pretty busy end of the week and weekend.  Reason number one is Carter has been sick. And let me tell ya, when he is sick he is a lot of work!!  He gets very clingy, whiney, and his fuse box that keeps his temper somewhat in check is completely cut on half----which means it was out of working condition.  There were several times I almost just got in the floor and cried with him but decided that would have probably made him so mad and make beast that lives inside him would be unleashed.  That's his daddy's fault.... He made him that way. I am responsible for his sweet and loving side.  Anyways, the kiddo has not eaten much in five days and I can tell he has lost some he had any at all to spare.  He has had some kind of stomach virus (diarrhea, not eating, fever). It is finally almost over though and he is starting to liven up and play and eat more snacks.

We have missed out on all the fun being sick! Lake with family, football game, my best friends sons birthday party, cousins birthday party, and grandpas birthday party. What a bummer! We also missed out on having fun with cousin Nolan while he was down visiting.  I am hoping all of this sick business is out of Carter's system before we leave Saturday for California!!  Also, all that work that I did cleaning my's messy again.  I blame it all on Carter!!

Reason number two for being so busy is because Tonya let me have a garage sale at her house, Saturday, which turned out to be a huge 4 family garage sale.  I think we did very well. After it was all said and done I ended up making 250 and what we didn't sale, we donated.  My money will be flying with me to California to replace what I sold and donated for stuff that is actually in style and fit me!  I had a lot if fun at the sale. One thing I learned though... A garage sale is a lot of work and takes time!  

The MRI people called and said it would take 5 DAYS to send the report on my knee to my doctor! If it were their knee I bet it would not even take 24 hours! I was so mad when they told me that.  Oh well.  Until they call and tell me the low down, I am still going to work out.  AD and I are starting the Couch to 5k workout today.  So if anyone goes to the park and sees two girls passed out in the middle of the's us.  Just leave us there.  If we are not in good enough shape to do the first day....we deserve it.
So I know my Labor Day weekend don't sound like a lot of fun but I have enjoyed spending this time with my boy at home..... For the most part :)

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