Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Clean Up

It's time to clean up my life!!  And I'm not talking about that part of my life that people usually talk about figuratively...like going to church, cleaning up my language, getting closer to God, ect.  I am happy with my life in all those areas.  I am talking about LITERALLY cleaning up my life.  I am so sick of my car being messy....all the time.  My house being messy....all the time.  My house is not dirty, just messy.  Toys and clothes usually everywhere.  And Clutter....wow.  I don't like clutter and it most definitely don't like me.  I was talking about this with a friend and her response was, "so your house looks like a toddler lives in it." Which is true but I am also very sick of that excuse!  It is really starting to get to me so I have to do something about it before I lose my mind.  Admit it--how good would it feel to have your house completely clutter free and know exactly where everything is?  And to be able to actually see the floor in closets. 

How to fix this?

1.) Nick and I went to the Home Improvement Store in town and looked at storage buildings.  We were shocked at how much they were.  We guessed about 1000 cheaper...(or maybe that was just wishful thinking).  So Nick is going to ask his uncles to help him build one.  We need one in a baaaad way!  We have a king size mattress and box springs just chillin in our game room along with so many baby stuff---bouncers, rockers, car seat.  Carter's closets are full to the max with tubs full of clothes he has grown out of that needs another place.  A crib and matress that needs a place to go besides in the back of Carter's closet.  There is countless toys that he has grown out of as well that needs to go into storage as well.

2.) I have done a lot of research on how to get and keep a house organized.  There is lots of good advice out there but there are two rules that I think will be most effective.  The first is buy one, get rid of one.  For example if I buy a new shirt, go pick out one that I have not worn in a couple of years and sell it or donate it.  That seems pretty reasonable.  The second thing is that everything needs a home.  Find a place and know exactly where each object in your house goes.  This is a very big problem for me, because I just have way too much stuff.

3.)  Have a garage sale.  That is my ultimate goal.  I mean, I have clothes in my closets that I still have from junior high.  Come on, Catherine!!  That was 11 years ago!  It't time to let them go.  Even though some of them may still fit, they are no longer in style.  Accept it and move on.  There is a 14-16 year old out there that would love to have my name brand clothes, surely.

4.)  Get a trash bag and go through all the "junk drawers" and just start throwing stuff away.  I found lotion and face washing creams that I got 5 years ago at Christmas that I have never even opened.  Toss it!!  Flip flops that are old and stained...toss it!  Socks that I can't find the matches for that I keep just in case the other match magically appears....yes, toss it!   And do I really need 40 pajama bottoms?  I think not.

Then when I finally get my house all organized just like I like I will master #2.  While I was doing research, it also said to just take one room at a time or even one drawer at a time.  If I look at my house as a whole then more than likely I will give up.  But since I am about to lose it, I really want to stick with it.

It will also help once I get my routine down.  I will probably drop Carter off at Lisa's around 8:30, come home and clean my house for a couple of hours, then go to motel and check rooms and all that good stuff, work out, pick up Carter around 4:30 and play with him for the rest of the evening.  So this whole house renewing thing will probably take a couple of months I suppose.

So please everyone give me some encouraging words and if you want, we can have a clean up party at my house.  Everyone is invited!!!!!  I'll even supply the supplies...ya know...because I'm generous like that.


Carter had a great, fantastic, fabulous day.  Lisa said that after I left him this morning he never cried again.  He did whine to go outside but I expect that to never change.  She told him it was time for a nap and he laid down on his little pallet and went to sleep, by himself, and slept for 2 and a half hours.  WHOA THERE!!  She is the baby whisperer.  He hate a good lunch--fish sticks, mac n cheese, and green beans.  And then when we went to pick him up he really didnt act like he wanted to leave.  For it to be his second day without family...I would say that is pretty darn good.  I am so proud of my boy!! And it feels great to know he is in good hands.

Tomorrow I am going to put old clothes on and work til I drop at the hotel.  Looking forward to it!

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