Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Catching Up

You miss me?  You know you did.  I have been training someone at work for 2 weeks so I really have not had time to slack off and get on here. 

I don't even know where to start. 

Friday night was my dad's birthday and mine was Saturday.  So we always just celebrate ours together.  We decided to go to Poblanos tomorrow and just as I expected....

Yeah....that's what I thought too.

Then on our way out Carter decided to run a high fever.  So like every time before he didn't want to eat, very grouchy.  This time though his eyes were very red and swollen.  It went on for about two days and then he started breaking out in a rash.  So....come to find out he had Rosiola.

So Saturday I was supposed to play softball and our first game was to be at 9:00.  Since Carter was sick, I had to wait on Nick to get done with what he was doing that morning and then head to Hope to play.  I missed my first two games but was able to play 4.  The first game that I played that day I twisted my knee wrong and I have hurt it pretty badly.  It swelled up three times it's regular size and hurting like all get out.  I went to the doctor yesterday and he said that it was very loose and would probably have to be repaired again.  So I go to Little Rock next Thursday for an MRI.  If it is as bad as I think it is it will be my third ACL knee surgery.  So, I retire from all competitive sports.  I will just take up golf full time.  I so thought I would be the 40 year old still trying to play softball.

Carter is all back to normal....eating like a horse and being very verbal.  He is getting to where he can communicate very very well!!  He may not say words that actually exists but I know what he is saying.  He understands so much that we say to him and he is getting to where he can tell us what he wants.  It's awesome and I love watching him learn new stuff.  We are getting to where we are taking ranger rides every evening after it cools off some.  Carter loves it and he really learns a lot as we go.  We talk about the cows, the cars that go by, the dogs that run beside us, the grass, the trees.  He loves every second!!

He is all boy!!  Still loves playing with trucks and riding his 4-wheeler.  The kid is awesome!!

That's all!

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