Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cleaning Progress

Hold on to your seats--or your iPhone!  I have managed to pick out half of my clothes for the garage sale and they are already delivered to the place where the garage sale is going to be held!  And....wait for it.....I have cleaned out every closet that we have and have 3 huge boxes of stuff that I am going to put in the garage sale.  Mirrors, clocks, lamps, rugs, place mat settings, shoes, baby stuff that still have price tags on them, vases, wall pictures, doggy bed, baby clothes that Carter never wore, and games that Nick and I never really cared for.  I know there will be more once I go through all of our cabinets.

I have gone through all drawers and filled up two huge trash bags with stuff to throw away.  All of our important bank papers, deeds, insurance polices, and contracts were spread out in about 5 different drawers so I got a paper organizer and have each one labeled and filed in its correct place.  I have put all of Carter's clothes that he has grown out of in space bags and in tubs.  I stayed up til midnight after Carter went to sleep and cleaned every inch of my floors and dusted every piece of wood in my house.  I also have every piece of laundry done.  I am worst now then when I reached the "nesting" stage in my pregnancy. 

Momma has been busy!!

I have also worked hard all week long at the hotel trying to clean all the places that don't normally get cleaned.  Rails, posts, trimming hedges, siding, ect.

I don't know what has gotten into me.  I think I just cracked.  I tried to let the clutter slide but I just can't any longer.

My next step is going to be to go through all of Carter's toys that he never plays with anymore and put them up in storage because our house is being taken over by toys and most of them he does not even play with anymore.  We spend most of our time outside anyways.  The only toys that he plays with consistently are his trucks, push toys, balls, 4-wheeler, and books.  And he usually plays with all of those outside.

My mom and dad have redone their whole kitchen and got all new appliances and they gave us their old fridge...which is a really good one.  We actually have an ice maker now.  Being married two and a half years and having to get ice out of ice cubes trays is not fun!  Or having company over and not having enough!!!  But the best part is that we now have two fridges.  Our old one will go in the mud room where we will keep our drinks and most of Carter's stuff.  And our new big one in the kitchen for everything else.

It just seems like my life is coming together great. I mean it has always been great but it is such a good feeling of loving to be home and not having to clean. If you have clutter or just need to deep clean your house...just do it!!  I dare you!  It's amazing the feeling it gives you!  There is also advice that I read on the Internet....clean as you go.  Like....when you just get done taking a shower and it is time to be cleaned...just do it while you are in there.  It takes literally 2 minutes, if that.  The tub is already wet, water is already running, you already have your wash rag--just have cleaning solution close by. 

Well, I just wanted to brag on myself a little bit for all of my hard work!!  Thanks for reading.

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