Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Busy, Fun Weekend

My weekend was very very interesting! Thursday night my Nana and I went to Texarkana to see my BFF Holli.  We hung out at the mall and shopped for a little while then ate at Chili's.  It was so good getting to see her.  It had been way too long.  She is still the same Ol' Holli Pockets that I know and love!  Carter rode in his wagon and loved every second of it.  He was such a good boy.

My first cousin, David, got married Saturday in Dallas.  So Dad, Mom, Carter, and I decided to go up Friday afternoon and stay the night.  The ride there was really fun.  Mom would roll down the window every time we passed a big truck and it would honk at Carter.  He thought it was the greatest game ever.  The first place we went to when we got to Dallas at 9:00 p.m. was Buy Buy Baby.  I LOVE that store.  I decided to go ahead and get Carter a big boy car seat.  I decided to go with Britax.  They had the best reviews and seemed to be the most durable.  It was 375!!  But I guess if Carter is going to be using it for the next 4-5 years or so I need a pretty good one.  It looks like a tool box.  I had to go with something manly!  I also got him some swimming diapers.  I had no idea they even existed.  They are really cute.  Swimming shoes also fell into the buggy some how. 

In the hotel Carter slept in the pack and play all night.  Yay! 

Saturday morning we did a little shopping.  I got me a dress and that's it.  I have become so tight with my money!  I never thought I would be like that but I like having my money!!  We still had about 2 hours to kill before we had to be at the wedding so we went to the zoo which was right beside the wedding chapel.  This zoo was super huge and people were everywhere, but we went anyways.  Carter loved it!  I think he loved looking at all of the people just as much as looking at all the animals.  The fish tanks were definitely his favorites.  Mom said before we even got out of the car that she didn't have a good feeling about going to the zoo with it being so close to wedding time.  I put rollers in my hair and walked around the zoo like that.  I got lots of crazy looks.  So about an hour before we needed to be at the wedding we started headed for the car.  Make a long story short....we got lost in the zoo and ended up getting dressed in the parking lot, which was right beside the freeway.  Dad was literally standing in his underwear in the parking lot.  Nice.  We did manage to get to the wedding with about a minute to spare.

Carter at the zoo in his green!  He didn't get pinched!

The wedding was absolutely beautiful!!  It will be a wedding that is never ever forgotten.  Carter was pretty good during the ceremony.  He was trying to talk a little bit but I was stuffing green beans and peas in his mouth so that kept him occupied for the most part.  The reception was very fun and very beautiful as well.  Whoever decorated has some amazing talent.  The food was also really really good!  I'll just have all of you know that I wore the dress that I wore two years ago for my wedding shower.  Do you know how pumped I was about that!?!  You have no idea.

Uncle Craig and Aunt Tosh

Me and Mom

Nana and Pap had fun!!  They were the oldest married couple there. 

He's silly!  He loved all the attention.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

The ride home was not fun with Carter.  He wanted out of that car seat so bad!  Even Mickey Mouse Club House could not fix him.  But we did manage to get home around 12:30 Sunday morning.

Sunday afternoon was Ava's birthday party.  It was so nice and relaxing and just good company.  I think everyone had a good time.  Carter decided that would be a good time to stand up all by himself.  I screamed when I saw him do it and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. He is starting to make a little habit of it.  It's hard to get used to.

Sunday evening Nick, Carter, and I had a family night.  We just hung out all after noon and played outside and took Carter for a very long wagon ride outside.  We are getting our money's worth out of that wagon.  There is nothing better than relaxing Sunday afternoons.

Carter and I hung out for a while yesterday before I worked out and then after.  He is just getting cuter and cuter and smarter and smarter.  Love him!  He is such a huge help these days.

Mom kept him while I worked out.  This is what they do all day.  He loves his flash cards!

He is really starting to love chicken by itself again.  He has been eating lots and lots of it here recently.  I am so happy about that because it's easy and good for him.  Last night he had lots of chicken and carrots.  For some reason when he eats he wants his shirt off and tries his hardest to take it off himself.  So, that's how we roll when we eat.
For dessert I made him cake.  Whole wheat flour, apples, bananas, milk and baking powder.  He loved it!!  That just may be his smash cake for his birthday.  It tasted like banana nut bread.

Before his bath last night he decided he wanted to be naked for a while and play with the computer.

Carter's personality just keeps getting stronger and stronger and I absolutely love it!!  He is so sweet!  Here recently he is starting to go to Nick when he gets sleepy.  WHAT'S THAT ABOUT!?  I am not having all that, little boy!  That's Mommy's time.

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