Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mini Vaca

Mom and I decided on a whim, Sunday, that we would make a trip to Shreveport to do a little shopping.  She needed a couple things and Carter literally needed a whole summer wardrobe, including shoes, sandals, and hats.  He had a couple things to wear but not many.  We stayed on the Boardwalk at the Marriott.  It was very nice!  I am not going to post much about it because I took some pictures that I would like to share....but of course forgot my USB when I came to work this morning.  So maybe tomorrow I will remember it.  I will just go ahead and say that I have a wonderful child that was a little angel the entire time.  Seriously.  The only time he cried was when we were about 5 minutes away from home when we came back because he wanted out of his car seat.  I don't blame him!!!

Yesterday while I was shopping something popped in my head that hit me like a freight train loaded down with rocks.  I frantically looked down at my phone to look at the date and it said March 5, 2012.  My heart cracked in 100 pieces it seemed.  Our wedding anniversary is March 6.  Today.  I had forgotten it.  It's not every day that you see the wife forgetting this very important day.  Its usually a fight because the man forgets it.  Leave it to me!!  When I realized this we were at our last stop...Target.  Like I could find something in there that he liked.  I wanted to kick myself because our hotel right beside a Bass Pro.  He would have been happy with just a gift card from there.  So my only hope was that he forgot too.  I prayed!!  Sad, huh?  So when I got home I nonchalantly asked him what date tomorrow was and what he had planned.  He said, "tomorrow is the 6th and I am working in the chicken houses and then I am going fishing with Justin and Keller."  He had forgotten too!!  So I reminded him that it is our anniversary.  I thought about acting really really mad that he had forgotten but decided to be nice and admitted that I had forgotten too.  We both laughed about it and blamed it all on Carter.  We are so busy making every day about him that we don't stop to think about ourselves.  I told him not to cancel his plans and that we would celebrate another time but he insists that we go out and eat tonight.  And if we are being completely honest here, I went to bed with my feelings a little hurt because he actually did forget.  Typical woman!!

I would just like to say that our marriage is great.  It is two years today and boy has it been a crazy, wonderful ride!!  We got married and it seemed like minutes later that we found out we were expecting Carter.  We really do have a full life and we are both so happy together.  I can't wait to have more children with him, enjoy my grand and great grandchildren with him, and grow old with him.  He is my rock and the best father for Carter that I could have asked for.  He makes me laugh every day and I am so thankful for that.  We do not always agree on everything or have just a whole lot in common but what we have works.  It just does. 

The one thing that we always do agree on is how to raise Carter.  We never disagree in that area.  Him eating healthy is our main concern and goal right now.  This is one time when we can choose what he eats.  He couldn't care less what he eats and he loves just about everything.  So while he couldn't care less what he eats, why would it not be healthy?  I am not going to feed him something that he don't "need".  I don't understand any other logic.  Kid's fat cells develop when they are young so we are taking that into consideration.  He loads up on fruits, veggies, whole grains and wheat, and protein....all fresh every day.  Even if it really don't matter at this time, it gives me a good feeling as a mother.  As far as I know he has never had anything fried, sugary, preservatives, or loaded down with fat.  He has also only drank formula, water, or juice.  He will have plenty of time to explore all of the junk food in the world and when he gets a little older we will let him.....in moderation.  We get made fun of some but we definitely don't care!  Our child.....our rules.

Well, since I am done patting myself on the back I would just like to say.....

I love my husband!!!


  1. I am so glad that you all agree on how to raise Carter! That is so important, if you are both not on the same page it can get so hard for both of you and the little one!! that is so awesome to hear! I am proud to say that Matt and I also agree on that issue!

  2. It really is a good feeling!! He let's me take the reigns on what Carter eats and he never questions me. He just peels and cuts up the fruits and veggies...lol..which is the hard part in my opinion. We both got us some pretty good ones!
