Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Saturday Mom, Dad, Nana, Papa, Carter, and I went and watched my cousin play some OBU college baseball.  Carter was a huge fan of being outside and strolled in his wagon.  We didn't watch near as much baseball as we would have liked but Carter was enjoying riding around and going down to the creek to watch the water.  He was enjoying himself so much that he didn't want to go to sleep, but he was SOOO tired.  And after a couple of hours of fighting it as hard as he could.....

Is my child really that big???  :(

Then on the way home....in mom's carseat

Oh!  And a very interesting thing that I learned about my son...he LOVES pickles.  Could not get enough of a dill pickle from the game.  I didn't give him near as much as he wanted because I didn't think it was good to give him so much sodium.  He literally cried for more.  He takes after me on that one!!

Then when we got home it was still daylight outside so Daddy decided to pull him around some more.  Carter loved every second of it!!

And so did I

Pretty darn sure I was over the weight capacity for that poor wagon.

Sunday morning we had planned on going to church.  But poor Carter was so wore out from his adventurous day that he slept until 10:00!!!  And of course I did too because I usually don't have to set an alarm with him in the house.  It was a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!  That never happens and I can assure you that it will never happen again with him.

Sunday evening we went over and spent some time with Nolan, Abbie, Neil, Grams and Grumps.  Nolan is getting so big and so close to walking.  If he would just get brave he could take off at any moment and be a full time walker.  His balance is great.  Carter's balance still has just a little bit of improving to do.  Carter rode in his wagon some and they mostly played outside the majority of the afternoon.
Best Buds

How precious is that sweet face!??

Carter's one year hat that Aunt Abbie gave him!  Prince Carter!

Monday was girl's day.  Mom, Toshya, and I went to Texarkana to eat at Copeland's and watch The Hunger Games.  It was so good!!!  It did stray from the book some but I loved it.  All of the actors looked just like what I pictured in my head while I was reading.  They did a good job!  I liked it a lot better than any of the Twilight movies.  A LOT MORE!  So glad we went and watched it.

I had to buy Carter some more summer clothes yesterday.  Luckily, the short and shirt sets that I found him were only 7.99 and they were all Carter's Brand.  Thank you TJ MAXX!!  He is swimming in all of his 12 month size clothes that I bought him.  I bet it will be at least 2 months before they will fit him.  So I had to go down to 9 month size.  So he has about 8 different 9 month size sets that he will wear over and over until he grows into his other.   Crazy how differently winter clothes fit than summer clothes.  He was wearing 12-18 month size winter clothes.  Anyways, unless Carter is shrinking....that's weird.  It's not that they are too long but they won't stay up on his waste.  If Carter keeps eating as much as he is then it won't take him long to fit into them.  I have him on a high protein diet to put some meat on his bones.  I made him Salmon last night to eat today so we shall see if he likes it.  I sure hope so!

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