Thursday, March 22, 2012

Carter and Ava Night

Carter and I spend a lot of time at the house yesterday.  We were cooped up because of all the rain.  He looked like a sad little puppy looking out the window wishing he was outside.  We had fun though.  We played chase a lot!  He loves when I get in the floor and crawl with him and act like I am chasing him.  He gets to where he can't even crawl because he is laughing so hard.  Since it was raining ALL day Nick came and hung out for a while.  He decided to put together Carter's little toddler table that I bought him.  I know it is too soon for it but I just could not help myself.  I bought it for his playroom.  I can just see Carter and Nolan or Carter and Ava coloring on it some day together.  It's just precious.  Carter was not a fan of the sound of the drill but we managed to get passed it and finish the table.

I had to leave him at 3:30 so I could go workout.  I hated to leave him because we were having so much fun!  After workout we went over and ate at Callie and Cody's house.  It was Mexican night!!  Everything was so so good!  Callie really out did herself.  She had the works!  Carter didn't quite get his nap out so he was grumpy pretty much the whole time we were there.  Ava of course was walking and laughing and showing us her new tricks.  She is such an entertainer.  Sorry the pictures are so blurry but I am still sporting the crappy phone.

Ava pushing Carter in her birthday car.  She is so strong!!

Both looking outside wishing they could go play

Ava must have hit a major growth spurt here recently but she is steadily passing little Carter.  Carter used to be bigger than her but not now!!  She's a growing girl!  And again, she is even prettier than when I saw her Sunday.

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