Thursday, August 30, 2012

This and That

This is one time that I really do not know what to say.  But I'm hoping as I rock along here I will find the right words. 

Something mom and I are going to California to visit family on September 8 and come back on the 14th.  I am always so so ready for this annual trip that we take.  We always find awesome shopping deals.  Like you have no clue!!  Jeans for 10 bucks!  And since I am still not wearing the size that I was wearing pre-baby then I am actually in need of some new pants.  I have 3 pair of jeans that fit me at the moment and I think I am wearing them out!!  I am so excited to see my Uncle Louie.  He always shows us a great time.  And, of course, I can't wait to show everyone how big Carter has gotten and the new things he is doing since last year.  Carter loved the beach last year and I know he will love it even more this time.

Something not so exciting.....I had my MRI on my knee yesterday.  Just waiting for the really great phone call to tell me that nothing is wrong with it and I am just a big baby or the dreadful call that says it's torn again, let's schedule surgery.  My knee is very tricky business right now.  I can lift weights and even run on it and it really don't hurt--but give it a couple hours after and it gets very swollen and hurting like no one's business.  I can't even stand on it for very long without it starting to hurt or swell.  I can't keep it still very long either.  If it stays bent or straight for very long it starts aching.  Weird.  Just ready to know either way.

Something yucky....Carter has been running fever all day and has not eaten anything but a couple of gold fish.  He is drinking lots of milk and juice to make up for it.  Maybe he will be better tomorrow.  But, just in case, he is staying home with me tomorrow.

Something precious......Carter, of course!! :)  He is a mess y'all.  He is all over the place here lately.  I mean, he has always been somewhat active, but he is no longer my little cautious baby anymore.  He is "jumping" off the couch and chair onto cushions, stepping off big steps like they are nothing, walking through tall grass that is head high without even thinking twice, and running and acting like a wild baboon.  These are some huge steps for him.  The old Carter would never even thinking about doing somthing that might end up hurting him.  And for the most part he is all smiles.  Always happy and in a good mood.  We are loving it!

Something addicting....Zulily App on my phone.  I swear I buy things at least 3 days a week.  My two winter boots (in black and brown) just came in today and I am soooo in love!!  For some reason I am just not too impressed about the baby stuff that I see, but I love the "boy size".  Carter has quite a bit of growing to do before he fits in that size.  Every now and then I will buy something for Carter, but I love pretty much all of the women's clothing.  It is seriously my exact style that I love!  I have already gotten in three sweaters and they fit perfectly.  Since I have gotten rid of pretty much my whole wardrobe I am in need of a new one and why not buy them when they are 50-90% off??  It's AMAZING!  You should get it!  Or actually you might not want to get is sure murdering my bank account.

Something AMAZING..... God.  Do you know him?  If not, you are really missing out.  I'm talking about someone that will be there for you through thick and thin.  He sent his one and only Son to die on the cross to set us free so that our sins can be forgiven.  Do you know how much love that is?  Would you send your only child to be killed for the world?  I know I wouldn't.  It takes a perfect soul to do that and that's exactly what God is and we should all strive to be more like him.  His love is never ending.  If you want to know more about this and want to know him as your Lord....just message me :)

I knew I could find some stuff to say! ;)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cleaning Progress

Hold on to your seats--or your iPhone!  I have managed to pick out half of my clothes for the garage sale and they are already delivered to the place where the garage sale is going to be held!  And....wait for it.....I have cleaned out every closet that we have and have 3 huge boxes of stuff that I am going to put in the garage sale.  Mirrors, clocks, lamps, rugs, place mat settings, shoes, baby stuff that still have price tags on them, vases, wall pictures, doggy bed, baby clothes that Carter never wore, and games that Nick and I never really cared for.  I know there will be more once I go through all of our cabinets.

I have gone through all drawers and filled up two huge trash bags with stuff to throw away.  All of our important bank papers, deeds, insurance polices, and contracts were spread out in about 5 different drawers so I got a paper organizer and have each one labeled and filed in its correct place.  I have put all of Carter's clothes that he has grown out of in space bags and in tubs.  I stayed up til midnight after Carter went to sleep and cleaned every inch of my floors and dusted every piece of wood in my house.  I also have every piece of laundry done.  I am worst now then when I reached the "nesting" stage in my pregnancy. 

Momma has been busy!!

I have also worked hard all week long at the hotel trying to clean all the places that don't normally get cleaned.  Rails, posts, trimming hedges, siding, ect.

I don't know what has gotten into me.  I think I just cracked.  I tried to let the clutter slide but I just can't any longer.

My next step is going to be to go through all of Carter's toys that he never plays with anymore and put them up in storage because our house is being taken over by toys and most of them he does not even play with anymore.  We spend most of our time outside anyways.  The only toys that he plays with consistently are his trucks, push toys, balls, 4-wheeler, and books.  And he usually plays with all of those outside.

My mom and dad have redone their whole kitchen and got all new appliances and they gave us their old fridge...which is a really good one.  We actually have an ice maker now.  Being married two and a half years and having to get ice out of ice cubes trays is not fun!  Or having company over and not having enough!!!  But the best part is that we now have two fridges.  Our old one will go in the mud room where we will keep our drinks and most of Carter's stuff.  And our new big one in the kitchen for everything else.

It just seems like my life is coming together great. I mean it has always been great but it is such a good feeling of loving to be home and not having to clean. If you have clutter or just need to deep clean your house...just do it!!  I dare you!  It's amazing the feeling it gives you!  There is also advice that I read on the Internet....clean as you go.  Like....when you just get done taking a shower and it is time to be cleaned...just do it while you are in there.  It takes literally 2 minutes, if that.  The tub is already wet, water is already running, you already have your wash rag--just have cleaning solution close by. 

Well, I just wanted to brag on myself a little bit for all of my hard work!!  Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Clean Up

It's time to clean up my life!!  And I'm not talking about that part of my life that people usually talk about going to church, cleaning up my language, getting closer to God, ect.  I am happy with my life in all those areas.  I am talking about LITERALLY cleaning up my life.  I am so sick of my car being messy....all the time.  My house being messy....all the time.  My house is not dirty, just messy.  Toys and clothes usually everywhere.  And  I don't like clutter and it most definitely don't like me.  I was talking about this with a friend and her response was, "so your house looks like a toddler lives in it." Which is true but I am also very sick of that excuse!  It is really starting to get to me so I have to do something about it before I lose my mind.  Admit it--how good would it feel to have your house completely clutter free and know exactly where everything is?  And to be able to actually see the floor in closets. 

How to fix this?

1.) Nick and I went to the Home Improvement Store in town and looked at storage buildings.  We were shocked at how much they were.  We guessed about 1000 cheaper...(or maybe that was just wishful thinking).  So Nick is going to ask his uncles to help him build one.  We need one in a baaaad way!  We have a king size mattress and box springs just chillin in our game room along with so many baby stuff---bouncers, rockers, car seat.  Carter's closets are full to the max with tubs full of clothes he has grown out of that needs another place.  A crib and matress that needs a place to go besides in the back of Carter's closet.  There is countless toys that he has grown out of as well that needs to go into storage as well.

2.) I have done a lot of research on how to get and keep a house organized.  There is lots of good advice out there but there are two rules that I think will be most effective.  The first is buy one, get rid of one.  For example if I buy a new shirt, go pick out one that I have not worn in a couple of years and sell it or donate it.  That seems pretty reasonable.  The second thing is that everything needs a home.  Find a place and know exactly where each object in your house goes.  This is a very big problem for me, because I just have way too much stuff.

3.)  Have a garage sale.  That is my ultimate goal.  I mean, I have clothes in my closets that I still have from junior high.  Come on, Catherine!!  That was 11 years ago!  It't time to let them go.  Even though some of them may still fit, they are no longer in style.  Accept it and move on.  There is a 14-16 year old out there that would love to have my name brand clothes, surely.

4.)  Get a trash bag and go through all the "junk drawers" and just start throwing stuff away.  I found lotion and face washing creams that I got 5 years ago at Christmas that I have never even opened.  Toss it!!  Flip flops that are old and stained...toss it!  Socks that I can't find the matches for that I keep just in case the other match magically appears....yes, toss it!   And do I really need 40 pajama bottoms?  I think not.

Then when I finally get my house all organized just like I like I will master #2.  While I was doing research, it also said to just take one room at a time or even one drawer at a time.  If I look at my house as a whole then more than likely I will give up.  But since I am about to lose it, I really want to stick with it.

It will also help once I get my routine down.  I will probably drop Carter off at Lisa's around 8:30, come home and clean my house for a couple of hours, then go to motel and check rooms and all that good stuff, work out, pick up Carter around 4:30 and play with him for the rest of the evening.  So this whole house renewing thing will probably take a couple of months I suppose.

So please everyone give me some encouraging words and if you want, we can have a clean up party at my house.  Everyone is invited!!!!!  I'll even supply the supplies...ya know...because I'm generous like that.


Carter had a great, fantastic, fabulous day.  Lisa said that after I left him this morning he never cried again.  He did whine to go outside but I expect that to never change.  She told him it was time for a nap and he laid down on his little pallet and went to sleep, by himself, and slept for 2 and a half hours.  WHOA THERE!!  She is the baby whisperer.  He hate a good lunch--fish sticks, mac n cheese, and green beans.  And then when we went to pick him up he really didnt act like he wanted to leave.  For it to be his second day without family...I would say that is pretty darn good.  I am so proud of my boy!! And it feels great to know he is in good hands.

Tomorrow I am going to put old clothes on and work til I drop at the hotel.  Looking forward to it!

Monday, August 20, 2012


My family threw my mom a surprise party for her 50th!! She was utterly shocked and at a complete loss for words. We had planned it for about a month. When Saturday came we had to tell one lie after another. She is the hardest person to keep something from!! Stressed me out!!! I can't keep anything from her!! She has always thrown parties and other celebrations for everyone else so she deserved the best party ever and I tried to give her just that. We had a great turn out and I think that everyone had a pretty good time. Great food, music and people! It's great to know that so many people love her!!

I can honestly say that she don't like near 50 years old! And if I am ever half the woman and mother she is I will be greatly blessed!  She is without a doubt my best friend and I just dont know what in the world I would do without her!!  There is not a day that we dont laugh out of control about something we have done. It's fun being her daughter!! I have always said she would be a millionaire if someone just followed her around filming her. It would be something worth watching!!

Carter started the babysitter today and Lisa said he had on okay day. He cried when I left and when he had to come inside. And he didn't eat that great. He did go to bed by himself which is very rare!! But she is getting him on a regular schedule and routine which he has never been on since different people have always kept him. I got a lot done at work today so I still think this was a great decision on my part and I think he will get used to it!! Praying he will!!

He walked a mile today. Literally. We were shocked but he just kept on trucking. I'm sure he will sleep great tonight. He has had a huge day today and I'm proud of him!!

We brought his 4 wheeler outside for the first time today and he is a wild man on it. Full speed a straight line because he won't turn it! Lol! We also took a ranger ride all evening which his his favorite part of the day.

All on all it was a good day. Looking forward to tomorrow!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Today is the day. MRI day on my knee. Really dreading it but just ready to know. It has really been giving  me fits lately!!   It's really hard to chase around a little active toddler when your knee swells and hurts every time you get up and do something on it.  Nick and I are going early to meet Bret for lunch then may do a little shopping afterwards. Neither one of us like shopping too much so maybe not. We usually go into sports authority wishing we were younger and could still use half the stuff in there.  But we are both full of pens and scars from all our surgeries from sports so arthritis and a toddler reminds us real quick that we are too old.

Carter will be staying with my mom today while we go. Bless her!! She will have her hands full. He is sooooo active here recently. More than usual.  Only one nap that only lasts for an hour a day.  Tough little guy!

He is doing good though. Gaining weight like a champ, talking more and more everyday but still not as social as I would like for him to be. Hopefully that will come as he gets older.  He starts a babysitter Monday and that will completely turn his little world upside down.   But she only watches three kids, one being Ava, so I think this will be really good for him. More interaction with other kids and having to be social with someone besides family.  Plus it will give me time to do my job at work without him on my hip. I'm excited about it.  He will go there everyday during the week but Thursday. Mom will still keep him that day. She would never forgive me if not ;)

Well, I'm on my iPhone and this whole typing on midget letters are getti old. I'll update the result of MRI when I know something.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Catching Up

You miss me?  You know you did.  I have been training someone at work for 2 weeks so I really have not had time to slack off and get on here. 

I don't even know where to start. 

Friday night was my dad's birthday and mine was Saturday.  So we always just celebrate ours together.  We decided to go to Poblanos tomorrow and just as I expected....

Yeah....that's what I thought too.

Then on our way out Carter decided to run a high fever.  So like every time before he didn't want to eat, very grouchy.  This time though his eyes were very red and swollen.  It went on for about two days and then he started breaking out in a rash.  So....come to find out he had Rosiola.

So Saturday I was supposed to play softball and our first game was to be at 9:00.  Since Carter was sick, I had to wait on Nick to get done with what he was doing that morning and then head to Hope to play.  I missed my first two games but was able to play 4.  The first game that I played that day I twisted my knee wrong and I have hurt it pretty badly.  It swelled up three times it's regular size and hurting like all get out.  I went to the doctor yesterday and he said that it was very loose and would probably have to be repaired again.  So I go to Little Rock next Thursday for an MRI.  If it is as bad as I think it is it will be my third ACL knee surgery.  So, I retire from all competitive sports.  I will just take up golf full time.  I so thought I would be the 40 year old still trying to play softball.

Carter is all back to normal....eating like a horse and being very verbal.  He is getting to where he can communicate very very well!!  He may not say words that actually exists but I know what he is saying.  He understands so much that we say to him and he is getting to where he can tell us what he wants.  It's awesome and I love watching him learn new stuff.  We are getting to where we are taking ranger rides every evening after it cools off some.  Carter loves it and he really learns a lot as we go.  We talk about the cows, the cars that go by, the dogs that run beside us, the grass, the trees.  He loves every second!!

He is all boy!!  Still loves playing with trucks and riding his 4-wheeler.  The kid is awesome!!

That's all!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy Birthday BR!

Today is my dad's 52nd birthday.  Happy birthday to the best dad, role model, husband, grandpa, mayor, and boss that ever was!  He has taught me so much about business and just life in general.  He was the kind of dad that still picked me up out of bed when I was 11, carried me to the breakfast table, and let me sleep for an extra 30 minutes on him until the food was ready.  Very, very fond and precious memories that I will never forget.  And all those hours on the ball field or basketball!  I definitely could not picture looking up to and wanting to be like any one else.  I sure hope (and I know he will) that Nick will be the kind of dad that my dad is.  He has so much faith in me that I probably don't even deserve.  Carter loves his BR and is lucky to have him to teach him so many great things and to spoil him rotten.  BR is crazy about his grandson!

And tomorrow is my 25th birthday....blah!  Getting older is for the birds.  But since I will be playing softball all day tomorrow we are celebrating mine and dad's birthdays together tonight at good ol' Papa Poblanos.  Then we can act surprised/happy when they slip the sombreros on our head and sing the birthday song in front of the whole restaurant.  But hey, a girl will go through just about anything for some free birthday dessert!  True?

So, we finally did it.  Nick and I took down Carter's crib.  And every night that he has slept in his big boy bed he has slept all night.  The crib, on the other hand, he was not a fan of.  Maybe slept all night 10 times.  Carter is over 15 months old and Nick and I are finally sleeping through the night on a regular basis.  It's a pretty great feeling.  In case you didn't see my picture on facebook....

One small problem though.....yesterday morning at 6:00 Nick rolled over to look at his video monitor to see what time it was and Carter was not in his bed.  We found big boy in the living room.  So yeah, can't be having a little toddler roaming the house freely without us knowing!!  So I'm thinking we will have to put a little baby gate at his door until we get up.

Also, I think it's time for a new room.  Something that's not so babyish.  How awesome did Andi do on his newborn room though?!?  I have just looked at it for hours admiring her work.  I thought about leaving that room just the way it is for the next baby but then I thought I will want to do something totally different and special for the next one just like I did for Carter.  And since we made one of the other bedrooms into a playroom we would not have a spare bedroom for other guests and we have company over way too often not to have one.  I don't think I am going to go with a theme.  Just probably blue and brown.  Themes always get old quickly.  I have not gotten too emotional on most stuff that Carter has grown out of, but I can tell you that I am 100% positive that I will cry when we get rid of Carter's baby-looking room.  I have looked at that giraffe on the wall during 3:00 a.m. feedings, sick nights, rocking him to sleep, reading him books, holding him tightly, praying with/over him, singing to him, playing with him....just comforting him.  It won't be easy.  And new furniture for him is in the near future because he is using the dresser that I used when I was 8 and the drawers don't open and close real smooth.

Carter's one year pictures are ready for me to look at and purchase!  I get to see them Tuesday and I can't wait!!  I know they are going to be so good!  Jenna gave me a sneak peak and I already like what I see!

Precious, right?