Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mine and Nick's luck has not been very good here lately.  It all started yesterday afternoon. 

1.) Nick said he was going fishing yesterday and on his way to the lake a tire on his boat trailer went out.  He was so mad!!

2.) Mom told me she would help me make some breakfast for Carter yesterday evening after workout and to bring the apples and berries from my house so she can go ahead and have them peeled and streamed for me.  I forgot them and had to drive all the way back to my house to get them. That put us making  his food way longer than what we had planned.

4.)  I sent Nick a text while he was fishing to stop and get him something to eat in town because I would not have time to cook.  He didn't get the text and came home wanting something to eat.  I literally had nothing!!  So I ended up making him ham roll ups.  Two large flour tortillas with melted shredded cheese and ham rolled up.  He was not too impressed.

5.) After I had put the little Honey Bun to bed and did some things around the house, it was 10:00 last night.  I still had to make Carter food for today.  So I put some broccoli in a little water so I could steam them and put the burner on high.  Being the genius that I am forgot that I had turned it on high and left it there for about 15 minutes.  I smelled something weird and I had literally burnt the pot and the broccoli was pitch black.  Broccoli does not smell good cooked right so can you imagine what my house smelled like after I had burned it?  It still reeks this morning.  I won't mention that this is the 3rd pot for me to ruin.  Nick will never let me hear the end of it.  He said last night that he was going to have to get a night job to keep buying new food and pots and pans.  He thinks he is so funny.  I had to stay up even later to make him some other veggie for today.  It ended up being peas and corn.  He has never had corn before so we'll see how that goes. 

4.) This morning I woke up a little late: 5:20.  I am supposed to be at work by 5:45.  I rush getting ready and leave just in time to get to work on time.  I have my Nana's car so I jump in it and fly to work.  I get to work and dig around for my keys to unlock the front door to the hotel and realize that they are still in my home.  So I had to call and wake up Nick (the one night that Carter slept perfect) and had him meet me at the end of our road with my keys.  I get to work at about 6:15 and luckily no one was waiting on me.  So maybe that's my turn around.

I am in my Nana's car because she had eye surgery yesterday.  When I drove her home she told me just to go ahead and take her car with me because she would not need it for a couple of days.  It's a brand new car so what would you be driving if you had the choice?!?  Everything went so well with her surgery.  She has not had one ounce of pain or bruising so that's wonderful.  All she needs now, though, is a hook on her arm.  She would KILL me if she knew I put this on here.  This is right after her surgery.



Carter loves Salmon.  I was not shocked because he loves pretty much everything that I make for him but he chowed down!  I was so happy because it is so good for him.  Until I ask his doctor he will only get it about once a week.  All the talk about mercury levels and stuff kinda scares me.  I put a little bit of Lawry's seasoning on it to give it some flavor and baked it.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

I am trying to stretch Carter's food selection as big as I can so he will have a really big variety.  I have been told many times that the more stuff I make him try early, the more stuff he will like when he gets older.  It has been proven true so far.  I have pretty much done all of the basic stuff so now I am moving on to the stuff that will make him a little more cultured, if that's what you would call it.  So starting next week I am going to start making him stuff like eggplant, cottage cheese, kale, tofu, ect.  Nick LOVES that Carter loves all the healthy stuff so he is all for this.  I am open to any other suggestions!!

For breakfast I made him a combination of apples, bananas, peaches, and blackberries mixed in with oatmeal.  All of that will be mixed in with yogurt every morning.  If that's not a brain and heart healthy meal I don't know what is!!

You have a little one that is constipated?  Give them about 6-8 grapes a day (cut quartered) and that will make them regular!!  Has worked for Carter for a while now.

Today he will have his breakfast (noted above).  For a snack he will have raisins and grapes.  For lunch he will have chicken, sweet potato, green beans, and carrots.  Another snack will be kiwi and strawberries.  And for dinner white beans, ham, peas, corn and asparagus.  With a few rounds of formula and water in between.  The kid eats all day. 

The good think about Carter now is that you can set a bowl of snacks in the floor and he will get a hand full and eat it.  Go play with something for about 5 minutes then come back for more until it's gone.  He has not started dumping it out in the floor yet, so it's nice.

Carter loves sweet pickes just as much as the dill!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Saturday Mom, Dad, Nana, Papa, Carter, and I went and watched my cousin play some OBU college baseball.  Carter was a huge fan of being outside and strolled in his wagon.  We didn't watch near as much baseball as we would have liked but Carter was enjoying riding around and going down to the creek to watch the water.  He was enjoying himself so much that he didn't want to go to sleep, but he was SOOO tired.  And after a couple of hours of fighting it as hard as he could.....

Is my child really that big???  :(

Then on the way mom's carseat

Oh!  And a very interesting thing that I learned about my son...he LOVES pickles.  Could not get enough of a dill pickle from the game.  I didn't give him near as much as he wanted because I didn't think it was good to give him so much sodium.  He literally cried for more.  He takes after me on that one!!

Then when we got home it was still daylight outside so Daddy decided to pull him around some more.  Carter loved every second of it!!

And so did I

Pretty darn sure I was over the weight capacity for that poor wagon.

Sunday morning we had planned on going to church.  But poor Carter was so wore out from his adventurous day that he slept until 10:00!!!  And of course I did too because I usually don't have to set an alarm with him in the house.  It was a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!  That never happens and I can assure you that it will never happen again with him.

Sunday evening we went over and spent some time with Nolan, Abbie, Neil, Grams and Grumps.  Nolan is getting so big and so close to walking.  If he would just get brave he could take off at any moment and be a full time walker.  His balance is great.  Carter's balance still has just a little bit of improving to do.  Carter rode in his wagon some and they mostly played outside the majority of the afternoon.
Best Buds

How precious is that sweet face!??

Carter's one year hat that Aunt Abbie gave him!  Prince Carter!

Monday was girl's day.  Mom, Toshya, and I went to Texarkana to eat at Copeland's and watch The Hunger Games.  It was so good!!!  It did stray from the book some but I loved it.  All of the actors looked just like what I pictured in my head while I was reading.  They did a good job!  I liked it a lot better than any of the Twilight movies.  A LOT MORE!  So glad we went and watched it.

I had to buy Carter some more summer clothes yesterday.  Luckily, the short and shirt sets that I found him were only 7.99 and they were all Carter's Brand.  Thank you TJ MAXX!!  He is swimming in all of his 12 month size clothes that I bought him.  I bet it will be at least 2 months before they will fit him.  So I had to go down to 9 month size.  So he has about 8 different 9 month size sets that he will wear over and over until he grows into his other.   Crazy how differently winter clothes fit than summer clothes.  He was wearing 12-18 month size winter clothes.  Anyways, unless Carter is shrinking....that's weird.  It's not that they are too long but they won't stay up on his waste.  If Carter keeps eating as much as he is then it won't take him long to fit into them.  I have him on a high protein diet to put some meat on his bones.  I made him Salmon last night to eat today so we shall see if he likes it.  I sure hope so!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Carter and Ava Night

Carter and I spend a lot of time at the house yesterday.  We were cooped up because of all the rain.  He looked like a sad little puppy looking out the window wishing he was outside.  We had fun though.  We played chase a lot!  He loves when I get in the floor and crawl with him and act like I am chasing him.  He gets to where he can't even crawl because he is laughing so hard.  Since it was raining ALL day Nick came and hung out for a while.  He decided to put together Carter's little toddler table that I bought him.  I know it is too soon for it but I just could not help myself.  I bought it for his playroom.  I can just see Carter and Nolan or Carter and Ava coloring on it some day together.  It's just precious.  Carter was not a fan of the sound of the drill but we managed to get passed it and finish the table.

I had to leave him at 3:30 so I could go workout.  I hated to leave him because we were having so much fun!  After workout we went over and ate at Callie and Cody's house.  It was Mexican night!!  Everything was so so good!  Callie really out did herself.  She had the works!  Carter didn't quite get his nap out so he was grumpy pretty much the whole time we were there.  Ava of course was walking and laughing and showing us her new tricks.  She is such an entertainer.  Sorry the pictures are so blurry but I am still sporting the crappy phone.

Ava pushing Carter in her birthday car.  She is so strong!!

Both looking outside wishing they could go play

Ava must have hit a major growth spurt here recently but she is steadily passing little Carter.  Carter used to be bigger than her but not now!!  She's a growing girl!  And again, she is even prettier than when I saw her Sunday.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

11 Months

T minus 4 weeks until big number one.  It can just take it's sweet little time getting here, too!  That would be fine with me.  I kinda panic a little bit when I think about it.   I picked up his invitations this week and that really made it all seem real.  I have thought about cancelling his birthday party all together for my own selfish reasons but that would not be very motherly of me, would it?  So I decided against it.  And after a few melt downs I am back on board and excited about his big birthday bash that I have planned.  I really think that it is going to be so super cute and fun.  There are still a few things that I am going to have to buy but we are ready!!  Not saying that I won't make a fool out of myself, but bring it on!!

Richard Carter,

Hey best friend in the whole wide world!!  Do you know how much I love you?  You will never ever know.  NEVER!  I can't even explain how much love I have for you.  It's a whole lot though!  I promise.  Infinity and beyond and a lot more than that....then even more than that.  Your favorite things are still your books and flash cards.  But when you are not studying, your favorite things are anything with wheels.  You LOVE your little trucks and toys that have strings attached that you can pull.  You could sit there for an hour playing with one of them.  Your attention span is still so huge.  You love playing by yourself without wanting to be bothered.  If I get down and try to play with you sometimes you will push me away or just straight ignore me.  Hurts my feelings sometimes but you know what you want!  It gives me plenty of time to get things done around the house.  Not saying that's what I do, but I could.  You are a pig.  You enjoy your food!!  How you are so small I will never know.  You have some chubby cheeks but not a roll on your body.  You are a very cautious baby.  You know your limits and you don't test them.  If you think there is something that may make you fall you don't even try.  So you may never walk...who knows!!  But, that's ok!  All in your own time baby boy!  I'm definitely not trying to rush anything.  We never want to go out anymore because we want to be at home with you.  It's so rewarding watching you, playing with you, and making you happy.  That makes us happy.  We are probably spoiling you WAY too much but we love to.  Every time Nick goes to Walmart he comes back with a huge toy.  I think he is kinda crazy about his son.  And so am I!!  We love you!  Happy 11 months sweet boy.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Busy, Fun Weekend

My weekend was very very interesting! Thursday night my Nana and I went to Texarkana to see my BFF Holli.  We hung out at the mall and shopped for a little while then ate at Chili's.  It was so good getting to see her.  It had been way too long.  She is still the same Ol' Holli Pockets that I know and love!  Carter rode in his wagon and loved every second of it.  He was such a good boy.

My first cousin, David, got married Saturday in Dallas.  So Dad, Mom, Carter, and I decided to go up Friday afternoon and stay the night.  The ride there was really fun.  Mom would roll down the window every time we passed a big truck and it would honk at Carter.  He thought it was the greatest game ever.  The first place we went to when we got to Dallas at 9:00 p.m. was Buy Buy Baby.  I LOVE that store.  I decided to go ahead and get Carter a big boy car seat.  I decided to go with Britax.  They had the best reviews and seemed to be the most durable.  It was 375!!  But I guess if Carter is going to be using it for the next 4-5 years or so I need a pretty good one.  It looks like a tool box.  I had to go with something manly!  I also got him some swimming diapers.  I had no idea they even existed.  They are really cute.  Swimming shoes also fell into the buggy some how. 

In the hotel Carter slept in the pack and play all night.  Yay! 

Saturday morning we did a little shopping.  I got me a dress and that's it.  I have become so tight with my money!  I never thought I would be like that but I like having my money!!  We still had about 2 hours to kill before we had to be at the wedding so we went to the zoo which was right beside the wedding chapel.  This zoo was super huge and people were everywhere, but we went anyways.  Carter loved it!  I think he loved looking at all of the people just as much as looking at all the animals.  The fish tanks were definitely his favorites.  Mom said before we even got out of the car that she didn't have a good feeling about going to the zoo with it being so close to wedding time.  I put rollers in my hair and walked around the zoo like that.  I got lots of crazy looks.  So about an hour before we needed to be at the wedding we started headed for the car.  Make a long story short....we got lost in the zoo and ended up getting dressed in the parking lot, which was right beside the freeway.  Dad was literally standing in his underwear in the parking lot.  Nice.  We did manage to get to the wedding with about a minute to spare.

Carter at the zoo in his green!  He didn't get pinched!

The wedding was absolutely beautiful!!  It will be a wedding that is never ever forgotten.  Carter was pretty good during the ceremony.  He was trying to talk a little bit but I was stuffing green beans and peas in his mouth so that kept him occupied for the most part.  The reception was very fun and very beautiful as well.  Whoever decorated has some amazing talent.  The food was also really really good!  I'll just have all of you know that I wore the dress that I wore two years ago for my wedding shower.  Do you know how pumped I was about that!?!  You have no idea.

Uncle Craig and Aunt Tosh

Me and Mom

Nana and Pap had fun!!  They were the oldest married couple there. 

He's silly!  He loved all the attention.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

The ride home was not fun with Carter.  He wanted out of that car seat so bad!  Even Mickey Mouse Club House could not fix him.  But we did manage to get home around 12:30 Sunday morning.

Sunday afternoon was Ava's birthday party.  It was so nice and relaxing and just good company.  I think everyone had a good time.  Carter decided that would be a good time to stand up all by himself.  I screamed when I saw him do it and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. He is starting to make a little habit of it.  It's hard to get used to.

Sunday evening Nick, Carter, and I had a family night.  We just hung out all after noon and played outside and took Carter for a very long wagon ride outside.  We are getting our money's worth out of that wagon.  There is nothing better than relaxing Sunday afternoons.

Carter and I hung out for a while yesterday before I worked out and then after.  He is just getting cuter and cuter and smarter and smarter.  Love him!  He is such a huge help these days.

Mom kept him while I worked out.  This is what they do all day.  He loves his flash cards!

He is really starting to love chicken by itself again.  He has been eating lots and lots of it here recently.  I am so happy about that because it's easy and good for him.  Last night he had lots of chicken and carrots.  For some reason when he eats he wants his shirt off and tries his hardest to take it off himself.  So, that's how we roll when we eat.
For dessert I made him cake.  Whole wheat flour, apples, bananas, milk and baking powder.  He loved it!!  That just may be his smash cake for his birthday.  It tasted like banana nut bread.

Before his bath last night he decided he wanted to be naked for a while and play with the computer.

Carter's personality just keeps getting stronger and stronger and I absolutely love it!!  He is so sweet!  Here recently he is starting to go to Nick when he gets sleepy.  WHAT'S THAT ABOUT!?  I am not having all that, little boy!  That's Mommy's time.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mini Vaca

Mom and I decided on a whim, Sunday, that we would make a trip to Shreveport to do a little shopping.  She needed a couple things and Carter literally needed a whole summer wardrobe, including shoes, sandals, and hats.  He had a couple things to wear but not many.  We stayed on the Boardwalk at the Marriott.  It was very nice!  I am not going to post much about it because I took some pictures that I would like to share....but of course forgot my USB when I came to work this morning.  So maybe tomorrow I will remember it.  I will just go ahead and say that I have a wonderful child that was a little angel the entire time.  Seriously.  The only time he cried was when we were about 5 minutes away from home when we came back because he wanted out of his car seat.  I don't blame him!!!

Yesterday while I was shopping something popped in my head that hit me like a freight train loaded down with rocks.  I frantically looked down at my phone to look at the date and it said March 5, 2012.  My heart cracked in 100 pieces it seemed.  Our wedding anniversary is March 6.  Today.  I had forgotten it.  It's not every day that you see the wife forgetting this very important day.  Its usually a fight because the man forgets it.  Leave it to me!!  When I realized this we were at our last stop...Target.  Like I could find something in there that he liked.  I wanted to kick myself because our hotel right beside a Bass Pro.  He would have been happy with just a gift card from there.  So my only hope was that he forgot too.  I prayed!!  Sad, huh?  So when I got home I nonchalantly asked him what date tomorrow was and what he had planned.  He said, "tomorrow is the 6th and I am working in the chicken houses and then I am going fishing with Justin and Keller."  He had forgotten too!!  So I reminded him that it is our anniversary.  I thought about acting really really mad that he had forgotten but decided to be nice and admitted that I had forgotten too.  We both laughed about it and blamed it all on Carter.  We are so busy making every day about him that we don't stop to think about ourselves.  I told him not to cancel his plans and that we would celebrate another time but he insists that we go out and eat tonight.  And if we are being completely honest here, I went to bed with my feelings a little hurt because he actually did forget.  Typical woman!!

I would just like to say that our marriage is great.  It is two years today and boy has it been a crazy, wonderful ride!!  We got married and it seemed like minutes later that we found out we were expecting Carter.  We really do have a full life and we are both so happy together.  I can't wait to have more children with him, enjoy my grand and great grandchildren with him, and grow old with him.  He is my rock and the best father for Carter that I could have asked for.  He makes me laugh every day and I am so thankful for that.  We do not always agree on everything or have just a whole lot in common but what we have works.  It just does. 

The one thing that we always do agree on is how to raise Carter.  We never disagree in that area.  Him eating healthy is our main concern and goal right now.  This is one time when we can choose what he eats.  He couldn't care less what he eats and he loves just about everything.  So while he couldn't care less what he eats, why would it not be healthy?  I am not going to feed him something that he don't "need".  I don't understand any other logic.  Kid's fat cells develop when they are young so we are taking that into consideration.  He loads up on fruits, veggies, whole grains and wheat, and protein....all fresh every day.  Even if it really don't matter at this time, it gives me a good feeling as a mother.  As far as I know he has never had anything fried, sugary, preservatives, or loaded down with fat.  He has also only drank formula, water, or juice.  He will have plenty of time to explore all of the junk food in the world and when he gets a little older we will let moderation.  We get made fun of some but we definitely don't care!  Our child.....our rules.

Well, since I am done patting myself on the back I would just like to say.....

I love my husband!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Nashville, AR

I have seen Nashville pull together in a huge way in the last couple of days.  The AEDC came and stayed at our hotel.  They took a tour of Nashville and the different industries.  They were so impressed in our in our town, school system, and the people.  I was so amazed at all the effort that all of the business' put in to "wine and dine" these people.  They also attended a banquet that the city and school held for them.  They only had good things to say about their whole experience in our wonderful town.  I see all of these status' on facebook saying how they can't wait to get out of Nashville or that they are so sick of this town...blah, blah, blah.  Well, I am one that takes pride in our great city and I think that we all take for granted just how great things are here.  I am so glad to be a part of the Nashville family and I am so happy to be able to raise my son here.  I know he will get the best education possible and have lots of great people surrounding him.

Anyways, we were full at our hotel last night--turning people away.  We are full again this weekend---already turning more people away.  So I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off and looks like I will be doing it again this weekend.  It is so great for our business and I would love to be this tired for the hotel every day. 

Carter slept through the whole night again last night without waking a single time.  We are just waiting for it to be a fluke.  We are honestly in shock every morning when we wake refreshed.  He is still precious and still a good boy.

We are loving life!! :)