Friday, May 31, 2013

What A Day

My day started at 3 a.m. when Nick woke me up in terrrrrrible pain. Like..... I thought he was going to die and so did he. At one point be was in the fetal position in the floor because he was hurting so bad. Log story short.... We ended up in the ER at 5:30 with kidney stones. They gave him some good medicine and sent him home around 8:15. I left from there and had to rush around so I could be in Texarkana at 10:30 for Carter's speech therapy.  Then we went to the mall and let Carter run around and play and we did a little

The patient is doing lots better. Still feels pressure and some pain but nothing like it was.

Moving on to Carter. The light bulb has come on!!! He is improving at lightning speed with EVERYTHING! He is talking lots more, running faster, eating like a pig, and just overall the happiest little boy that I have ever seen. Laughs and smiling constantly. He is starting to repeat words and actions and saying some letters and numbers when he sees them. I just love seeing him thrive.

He is also getting bigger! Lots bigger. Wearing 2T shorts, some 3T shirts, size 8 shoe. And I don't know how much he weighs but it's heavy!  Pretty sure we have a mini Nick on our hands.

I plan to have an amazing, relaxing weekend with my boy! Until next time...







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