Sunday, June 16, 2013


I have not been in the blogging mood lately so I have decided to drop in and give you just a little update. 

My little family and I are doing great.  Carter is still the most spoiled kid on the planet.  If he does not ride something (lawn mower, 4-wheeler, golf cart, ranger, tractor, ect) every single day, several times, then his day is not complete.  If he is not outside at least 50% of his day, then he is for sure letting us know how sorry we are.

MAJOR UPDATE: Carter is up to about 24-27 words.  Nick and I decided to put his words on paper and try to keep up because we are so proud.  If you don't want to know what they are, then just skim on down, but I have to tell you because I am so pumped that he is finally talking.
***Cat, dog, car, cup, truck, hot dog (too much mickey mouse), duck, juice, tractor, two, shoes, socks, star, ship, hot, chic, stop, go, clap, choo choo, peach, chip, outside, jump.  He can also point out several letters in the alphabet and say them***
He still does not just talk our heads off, though.  We usually have to ask him what things are in order for him to tell us, but that is such an improvement.  He is now learning about 2 words a week.

Two big things are happening this week for little man.  First, he has his first swimming lessons starting Monday.  The kid LOVES the pool.  I have a feeling we are going to be spending lots of time in my parent's pool this summer. Second, he just could not shake off his double ear infections so we have decided to go ahead and give him tubes Wednesday morning.  We are only hoping that it speeds up his speech process even faster.

I spend most of my time trying to convince Carter that I am just as cool as Daddy.  When Nick is around he don't give me the time of day.  I have even reached the desperate stage where I am bribing him.  It's starting to get pathetic.  Nick does not eat it up nor does he rub it in my face, of course.

Carter's new favorite snack is beef jerky.  What a little man!!  I'm not too thrilled since it's not just the healthiest snack, but at least it's good protein.  If that won't bulk him up, nothing will.

Nick and I are doing great!!  We do lots of things away from each other since we have different hobbies but it makes the time that we do spend together just that much better.  I sure do love that guy.  He's not perfect, but he is perfect for me.

I think we get asked at least 10 times per week when we are having another baby.  THANK GOD we both agree that Carter is more than enough right now.  To answer everyone's question--IF we have another one, we will start thinking about it when Carter is 4 or 5.  That will put me at 28 years old and Nick at we got time.  We sure are enjoying our hobbies and time with Carter right now.  We are perfectly content knowing that we can love on our new nephew that's on the way and my friend's new babies!

Anyways, I know I have rambled enough so I'll end it here.  Thanks for reading!  Sorry for the lack of pictures. 

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