Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cali 2012

Yes, we are alive and well. We made it back to good ol' Arkansas in one piece.  We had a terrific time, but there is no place like home.  I missed my bed and missed my husband even more than that!!  But again, Cali did not disappoint.

Our trip started off kinda rocky because Carter was sick and had very bad diaper rash.  We almost decided to cancel our trip because he was so bad.   We took him to his doctor the day before we left and big boy weighs 22 pounds with clothes and shoes on.  We are trying our hardest to help him gain some weight without giving him unhealthy stuff.  We almost decided to cancel our trip because he was so bad.  But we decided to go ahead and go and if he didn't get any better then we would just pay extra money to come home early.   Good thing we went because he got better the next day after we got there. 

We got to spend lots of quality time with family that we only get to see once a year, if that.  We got to do lots of shopping.  I got some stuff but Mr. Carter racked up!  He has enough winter clothes and shoes to wear a different outfit every day.  I got me about 3 pair of pants, 3 shirts, 3 winter scarves, and some other stuff that I can't think of at the moment.  We also got to go to the beach which was so much fun.  Carter had a really good time and didn't want to leave.  But I decided it was time to go once he started rubbing dirt in his eyes.  We also got to visit some very beautiful hotels and buildings.  Very neat places!

It was a very fun trip for me but it was a very tiring trip also.  Chasing and hauling a 22 pound hoodlum/monkey all day was tough at times.  But he was an absolute delight the whole time and such a trooper.  SUCH. A. TROOPER.  He never really complained about being stuck in the car seat while we were stuck in traffic.  He took a nap in his tiny stroller while shopping.  Never complained one time.  The little stinker ate everything that was offered to him.  I learned stuff that he loved to eat that I had no clue about.  Green peppers, onions, mushrooms, shrimp, noodles, and honey.  So I got to shop and research stuff to cook for him that I have never made before.

I was so afraid at how Carter was going to adjust when we got back to Arkansas.  For one...the two hour difference.  But the big problem was that he got to sleep in the big bed in between me and my mom for a whole week.  Also, since the weather is so nice there, they just leave the doors open to outside without having to turn the air conditioner on.  Since my Uncle's back yard is fenced in, Carter got to go in and out as much as he pleased.  He was in Heaven.  But low and behold he has really shocked me and has slept in his own bed in his own room by himself without waking up a single time, and he really is not begging to go outside anymore than he was before he left.  I just think he was so excited to see all of his toys again that he forgot about it.  And Daddy!!  He just loved on Nick for the longest time when he saw him for the first time.  But the whole time change thing does have him a little messed up.  Going to bed at 11:30 is really getting old but I can live with sleeping in until 10:30.  But his little world is going to be turned completely upside down tomorrow when he has to get up early and go to the babysitter.  He is totally going to freak.  He has really loved being with Mom for the last 2 weeks.  But life and business goes on and I go back to work tomorrow.

I have been back for 2 days and I still have not unpacked and organized everything.  I am dreading that.  At least I washed everything the night before we came back so I don't have to do any laundry.  I just got to make my non-motivated self get busy. 

Our workout starts up again tomorrow as well.  AD and I have decided that it's time to really get serious about it.  We are both feeling like big ol' slobs and we are sick of it.  So weights tomorrow around 3:30 and running at 7:00.  If you get a chance say a quick prayer for us.

I still know nothing about my knee.  Do you know how livid I am about that?  I finally get the people in Texarkana to send my MRI result to the surgeon in Little Rock.  That took a couple weeks.  Now they have had the MRI report for over a week and I still have not gotten a phone call telling me the low down on what's going on with my knee.  Pretty ridiculous, right?  So I have decided that if I don't get a phone call by 4:00 then I am calling and yelling at some folks.  I have been nice way longer than what I probably should have.  But they are about to see a side of me that will not be so pretty on me.  Waiting is a game that I don't like very much.

Anywho, once I get more time I may try to post some pictures from our California trip.  But it's nearly midnight and this little lady is tired.  So, goodnight all!

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