Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Foot in Mouth

Well, we have finally figured out what has been wrong with Carter.  Several weeks ago, Carter got a very high fever that lasted for a couple of days.  His doctor told us not to be suprised if he broke out in a rash all over after this fever.  It was something that had been going around.  He called it Rosiola.  He told us the symptoms would be congested chest, runny nose, and coughing.  He also told us that when the rash appears then that means it is over and that he can never get Rosiola again-thank goodness!!  I didn't think it would last several weeks and figured he meant the rash would come a couple days after the fever.  Yesterday little bumps started to appear on his face and made it way down his chest, stomach and back.  He is feeling much better and we are so glad that it's about over.  Even though he has been sick he can still muscle the strength to chew and suck on his toes!!

Here lately he has been moving so much when he sleeps.  We will put him to bed facing one way and then all of a sudden we will look down at the monitor and his head is on the other side.  Sneaky little boy!  I guess he will be a sleeper like his momma!  Hopefully he will not kick like I did.  My mom always told me that I would pay for kicking her so many times one day.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say she jinxed me.  Thanks Mom!! 

Here is a picture of my parents and Carter
This was a time Carter started screaming

This was at a wedding shower we attended

When we got home yesterday we had a little photoshoot

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