Friday, August 26, 2011

How about we take a ride, Little Buddy?

Yesterday around 5:00 we went to Nick's parents house and ate spaghetti.  It was really good.  Carter had a good time with his Grammy.  She can really make him smile and laugh.  He did a little light sleeping but for the most part he layed there and played with his feet.  He has definately found his feet!!!  It is cute when he hangs on to his feet and rolls around without ever letting go of them.  He looks like a little monkey.
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For some reason Carter didn't want to go to sleep last night.  He was kinda fussy.  Nick let me go to sleep since I had to be up for work this morning.  I had my monitor turned on and was listening to the things that Nick was telling Carter (don't think that he knew this).  I could not go to sleep because I was listening to him.  Nick is such a good daddy.  And to all of you that think you know Nick, well, I have finally done it....I have found a soft spot!!!  He is so in love with his son.  I know that Nick was exhausted since he has been getting up with him at night now.  Finally, I heared Nick say, "how about we take a ride, Little Buddy?"  I wish I could have been a fly on that wall in the truck.  It didn't take Carter long to lose that battle!  He was out like a light.  The sound of the diesel and the vibration gets him every time.  I will most definately give Nick the weekend off from getting up with Carter.  I am actually looking forward to it because those time are so precious to me.

We are going out to eat with some really good friends of ours tonight.  Also, their daughter is Carter's girlfriend so he is really excited.  We will have to find something sharp and put on extra lotion so he can smell good for her.  Her name is Ava and she is a very pretty little girl.  He has good taste.

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