Friday, May 31, 2013

What A Day

My day started at 3 a.m. when Nick woke me up in terrrrrrible pain. Like..... I thought he was going to die and so did he. At one point be was in the fetal position in the floor because he was hurting so bad. Log story short.... We ended up in the ER at 5:30 with kidney stones. They gave him some good medicine and sent him home around 8:15. I left from there and had to rush around so I could be in Texarkana at 10:30 for Carter's speech therapy.  Then we went to the mall and let Carter run around and play and we did a little

The patient is doing lots better. Still feels pressure and some pain but nothing like it was.

Moving on to Carter. The light bulb has come on!!! He is improving at lightning speed with EVERYTHING! He is talking lots more, running faster, eating like a pig, and just overall the happiest little boy that I have ever seen. Laughs and smiling constantly. He is starting to repeat words and actions and saying some letters and numbers when he sees them. I just love seeing him thrive.

He is also getting bigger! Lots bigger. Wearing 2T shorts, some 3T shirts, size 8 shoe. And I don't know how much he weighs but it's heavy!  Pretty sure we have a mini Nick on our hands.

I plan to have an amazing, relaxing weekend with my boy! Until next time...







Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mud Puddles

Carter has decided that he loves mud puddles.  This just came on all of a sudden and it came in phases.

PHASE 1:  Spotting the puddle.
PHASE 2: Testing the temperature.

PHASE 3: Bravery.

PHASE 4:   Going in for the kill.
PHASE 5: Going all out.
PHASE 6: Bath time/fun has to come to an end.


PHASE 7: Denial.  Every mud puddle is made for me.  Even when it's the next day and Mom has put my good clothes and shoes on.

The life of raising a little boy!





Sunday, May 19, 2013


This momma is whooped.  AD and I left the house yesterday at 7:45 a.m. to head to Magnolia to play in a softball tournament.  We have not played in a tournament since last summer and I have forgotten how exhausting it is.  Outside in the hot hot hot sun all day (that had to give me 3rd degree burns on my face, arms, and legs) sweating, and constantly on my feet.  It's also hitting home that I can't move like I used to.  Getting older is terrible.  I had so much fun, but that was a very long day.  We got 3rd place out of 16 teams. WHOOP WHOOP!!  We finally made it back to Nashville around 12:15 a.m., I got in bed at 1:30 then had to be up at 5:00 to come to work.

We have joined a co-ed softball league in Hot Springs where we play 2 games every Wednesday night.  I can handle two games in a week....but 5-6 games in a day??  Crazy.

Big huge shout out to my parents!!  Dad covered my night shift last night and mom kept Carter so I could go play and have a good time.  They are the best!  I know my mom is tired.  She took both of her two year old grandsons to a birthday party and baby shower.  She's a trooper.

I'm ready for 2:00 so I can spend the rest of the day with my boy.  COME ON 2!!!

Also, celebrating my Nana's 72nd birthday tonight.  If only I could be as active as her at 72!  That's my wish.  She's nothing short of an amazing woman.  I have said it 100 times and I will say it again.  She is my definition of a hero, and she is most definitely mine.  Love her.

Friday, May 17, 2013


This is what my child usually looks like the majority if his day. He has been eating like I don't feed him. Ever. Ether he is hitting a really really big growth spurt or he is going to have an appetite like his dad.  Feeding them both will be pretty dang expensive one day if he keeps this up.

Double ear infection has not slowed him down in the slightest.

I love my handsome little guy more than life!!



Thursday, May 16, 2013

Speech Therapy

We went to have Carter's hearing test and speech evaluation Tuesday.  He was really not a fan of them sticking something inside his ears but he did survive it and his hearing is perfect.  He really liked the speech therapist that worked with him.  She said that he was in the 15-17 month range for speech, so not just too far behind.  The little stinker said every word he knew and she counted about 12-15 words.  I was so proud of him.  She said that the type of words he was saying were the sounds that kids usually have the most trouble with and the words that he is not saying are the words that usually come first.  Only my child.  He is having trouble with "pucker" words (momma, papa, ball, moo).  She seems to think that she can help him get his words out and hope it won't take him too long to catch up.  She didn't even bother with a comprehension evaluation becuase it was clear he understood all commands and knew what we were saying.  So, we are going to speech therapy every Friday morning until he is all caught up.  She must be made of magic, because since he has seen her he has been jabbering away.

I picked him up yesterday from Mrs. Lisa's and she said he was fine most of the day until the very end.  He wanted in her lap.  Right when I got him home he started running a high fever and acted like he didn't feel good at all.  Anyways, long story short.....we went to the doctor and we have a double ear infection.  Her exact words were "both ears look wretched".  He has had 4 ear infections in 2 years and 2 of them are in a matter of 3 weeks. 

So, yeah.  Fun times.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Warrior Dash and Mother's Day

AD and I ran in the Warrior Dash yesterday.  It. Was. Hard.  A heck of a whole lot harder than last year's.  There was a lot more up hill and yeah.....we almost didn't make it.  We did do some walking up some of the huge hills but I bet only a handful of people didn't.  We beat our time from last year, which was our goal.  It was a ton of fun and I am proud of us.  Being able to roll around in mud as an adult is awesome. The only thing missing was my Toshya. 

We have two more 5k's this month so there are no breaks for us!!  Back at it Monday.
It's Mother's Day and I am feeling extra blessed.  I have a great mom and I get to be a mom to such a handsome and great kid.  Seriously, who couldn't love this precious face?
And guess who all of a sudden (in the last 2 days) has decided to start talking?  No sentences or a whole lot more words, but saying words on command.  If he sees something that he knows how to say, he will say it without me asking him to.  Just this week alone he has learned two more words (ship and flag).  It is so nice to hear his voice and watch him become more confident.  Just a week ago he would try to run from me if I asked him to say something and now he is saying words every time I ask him to.  I think it's just God's way of saying, "I got this, just enjoy him and stop worrying".  He does still have his hearing test and speech evaluation Tuesday, but I'm very confident that he will just keep improving quickly.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mother's out there.  Today is a special day!  I can't wait to get off work so I can spend the day with my mom and a little boy that made me a mother!


Saturday, May 4, 2013


A couple weeks ago Nick came up to me one night and asked if I wanted to go to Oklahoma to see Keatha, Matt, and Kade.  I didn't even let him get his whole sentence out before I was yelling "yes!!!".  So right then I text Keatha and asked if we could come down for a visit for about 3-4 days and her reply was "yes!!!".  I think we were a little excited!

We had the best time.  Nick and I have really been wanting to get away for a little while and that was the perfect mini-vaca.  We did all of our favorite things with our kids......ate terrible, hung out, and watched way too much tv.  We are good parents.

We also went fishing

 Let it be known that Keatha caught the FIRST fish and the BIGGEST fish in the FIRST pond so even though she caught 3 fish and Nick caught 15....she won.
Kade loved touching the fish.  Can't anything scare that kid.  My child, on the other hand, was perfectly content looking from afar.

They shared snacks and hugged....sometimes.

We also took them to the aquarium, which they loved!

I have to say, for two boys that are neck deep in the terrible two stage, they did really awesome.  My child didn't want to take a nap nor did he eat good the whole time we were there but he listened for the most part and was nice.
Neither boy was just a huge fan of sharing, but what kid is???