Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Foot in Mouth

Well, we have finally figured out what has been wrong with Carter.  Several weeks ago, Carter got a very high fever that lasted for a couple of days.  His doctor told us not to be suprised if he broke out in a rash all over after this fever.  It was something that had been going around.  He called it Rosiola.  He told us the symptoms would be congested chest, runny nose, and coughing.  He also told us that when the rash appears then that means it is over and that he can never get Rosiola again-thank goodness!!  I didn't think it would last several weeks and figured he meant the rash would come a couple days after the fever.  Yesterday little bumps started to appear on his face and made it way down his chest, stomach and back.  He is feeling much better and we are so glad that it's about over.  Even though he has been sick he can still muscle the strength to chew and suck on his toes!!

Here lately he has been moving so much when he sleeps.  We will put him to bed facing one way and then all of a sudden we will look down at the monitor and his head is on the other side.  Sneaky little boy!  I guess he will be a sleeper like his momma!  Hopefully he will not kick like I did.  My mom always told me that I would pay for kicking her so many times one day.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say she jinxed me.  Thanks Mom!! 

Here is a picture of my parents and Carter
This was a time Carter started screaming

This was at a wedding shower we attended

When we got home yesterday we had a little photoshoot

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

When it rains, it pours!

For my college graduation two years ago, my parents got me my dream car.  It's a charcoal colored tahoe with chrome accents and 20 inch rims.  It's been my dream car since I can remember.  I always pictured black and chrome in my head but the color I have is much prettier.  Anyways, when we got it, it was in perfect condition.  All of a sudden I just realized how much stuff has gone wrong with it.  They are easy fixes, thank goodness!  The driver's side outside mirror is not moving, the backseat passenger side door will not open from the inside, I just had to replace the windshield, my tire monitor says I have a low right back tire (but the 10 minit lube says it's a malfunction), the sun blocker thingy at the outside top of my window is flopping in the wind.  Yeah, you see what I mean when I say when it rains, it pours?!  York Gary is picking it up from work today to fix everything.  I'm sure that will be a pretty little bill!  Maybe Nick will think I'm worth it and pay it for me.

Our dinner date with our nice couple went very well.  We really enjoyed their company.  They are from Missouri.  Nick made best friends with them.  They own lots of land that have lots of deer and turkey on it.  They told Nick to come up and hunt any time.  I don't think they know what they have given him permission to do.  They really don't understand that they will have him in their extra room at least twice a year from here on out.   They are very gernerous people like that and I believe that they they would welcome us with open arms every month if we wanted to. 

Carter didn't get to go with us.  He was still a little coughy and congested so we left him with my parents.  He got spoiled, petted, and played with the entire time.  BR is crazy about his "buddy tough".  And Mia loves "Mia's Boy."

Dad just talks to him and Carter talks right back.  Two peas in a pod right there.

Here recently Carter had been doing this weird thing with his hands while he drinks a bottle.  He was holding his own bottle there for a second and then he started doing this:

He is holding his nose and trying to scratch his left eye every time.  Silly boy!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

My Weekend

I had a pretty good weekend for the most part.  We went out and ate with some really good friends of ours, Cody and Callie Parker.  Carter and Ava seemed liked they really enjoyed their date.  Before we went over there, we had to pick out something that really looked sharp on Carter.  I think that Ava thought he was very handsome, which is what we were going for :) 

Carter thought that she was beautiful as well. 

Before we went out and ate we went to their house to chat for a little while and to decide where we wanted to go eat, which ended up being Sheeba's in Hope (Delicious!!!).  Ava got a new toy that Carter had to try out.  He loved it and we are thinking we are going to have to get him one.  He has one, but this one is much cooler and bounces higher with lots more gadgets on it.  And every time it bounces it makes animal noises.  I kinda wish I could fit in it. 

As you can see we had to modify because he not quite long enough yet!

Saturday Carter and I went to a wedding shower.  Carter loved all the attention that all of the beautiful women gave him.  He loves to show out and smile for everyone.  After that, Carter and I made the dreadful trip to Walmart.  I had put it off way too long.  I usually have someone that could watch him while I go, but not this time.  Toshya was in Colorado, Nick was working, Mom was at the shower, Nana went to Texarkana, and Nick's parents went to Conway to see Nolan.  Carter did wondeful though and I made a complete fool of myself.  I had Carter in his car seat placed where the little kids are supposed to sit.  Of course I can't see over the seat very well because I am short.  I ran into the HUGE display of DVDs in the middle of an isle.  And then did the whole nervous laugh really loud trying not to make myself look as stupid, which didn't help at all.  After that, I left my wallet at the checkout counter and realized it when I got out to my car.  That's why I hate hate hate Walmart.  Something always goes wrong.

We missed church Sunday morning because in a matter of about 4 hours, Carter got a cold.  His chest was very bad congested.  I had to make yet another Walmart trip Sunday morning to get a vaporizer and some liquid steam medicine.  Carter and I hung out in his room literally all day and watched cartoons while breathing in the steam.  I didn't get any sleep last night because everytime he coughed, which was every 3 minutes, he got alittle choked because he was coughing up so much junk.  I had to lift up his head and pat his back.  Nick was also sick, so he was fending for himself.

I have had a wonderful Monday so far.  This sweet, sweet couple that my Nana and I met at the Women's College Softball World Series in Oklahoma City two years ago from MO made a trip down here to hunt for diamonds and to visit.  This has made my month!  I love talking to them.  They are very down to earth people that make you feel like you have known them your whole life.  They were pleased to know that I had gotten married and had Carter.  I can't wait until they meet my little family.  We are going out to eat with them tonight.

Carter and I started this new workout video that we can do together.  I thought it would be pretty easy and not very hard, but I can tell you that I could only do about 10 minutes of it and I was very sore for about 3 days after.  It's full of arm workouts, lunges, squats, ect.  It is really good and Carter loves it!  You should try it if you have a little one.


Friday, August 26, 2011

How about we take a ride, Little Buddy?

Yesterday around 5:00 we went to Nick's parents house and ate spaghetti.  It was really good.  Carter had a good time with his Grammy.  She can really make him smile and laugh.  He did a little light sleeping but for the most part he layed there and played with his feet.  He has definately found his feet!!!  It is cute when he hangs on to his feet and rolls around without ever letting go of them.  He looks like a little monkey.
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For some reason Carter didn't want to go to sleep last night.  He was kinda fussy.  Nick let me go to sleep since I had to be up for work this morning.  I had my monitor turned on and was listening to the things that Nick was telling Carter (don't think that he knew this).  I could not go to sleep because I was listening to him.  Nick is such a good daddy.  And to all of you that think you know Nick, well, I have finally done it....I have found a soft spot!!!  He is so in love with his son.  I know that Nick was exhausted since he has been getting up with him at night now.  Finally, I heared Nick say, "how about we take a ride, Little Buddy?"  I wish I could have been a fly on that wall in the truck.  It didn't take Carter long to lose that battle!  He was out like a light.  The sound of the diesel and the vibration gets him every time.  I will most definately give Nick the weekend off from getting up with Carter.  I am actually looking forward to it because those time are so precious to me.

We are going out to eat with some really good friends of ours tonight.  Also, their daughter is Carter's girlfriend so he is really excited.  We will have to find something sharp and put on extra lotion so he can smell good for her.  Her name is Ava and she is a very pretty little girl.  He has good taste.