Thursday, December 5, 2013

Two Day Getaway

The hubs and I decided to go on a little getaway Monday afternoon.  We pawned the monster off on my parents and headed to Shreveport where we stayed on the Boardwalk.  Two full days and nights without Carter.  It was weird, but nice.  We had awesome food, watched great movies on IMAX, and did some shopping.  We initially went do get our Christmas shopping done, but prices are awful and I just couldn't bring myself to spend what they were asking for...for like everything!  I bought my mom's Christmas present and got Carter some nice clothes....sweater vests, button ups, and cute, regular sweaters.  Carter is most definitely my best accomplishment but also my biggest weakness!  All in all we had a good time.  Our last fun getaway was August 2010 so it's nice to do that once every three years! 

I know we were only gone for two days but I swear Carter has grown 2 inches and has gained a whole spectrum of vocabulary.  He is learning things like crazy!  He is learning to write!  He can draw an A, O, and he so close to drawing a B.  His little imagination is taking off too.  He loves to scribble then tell me what he draws.  Last night he "drew" an octopus for me.  He's so much fun!  When we are home we don't even watch cartoons anymore.  He would much rather play with his new train set or learn on his leap pad.  I'm much happier with that!

If he ever grows with the amount of food he eats, he's going to be a big boy!  He eats more than me.  No, seriously.  I don't know how he is so small.

It's nice to be back on my normal schedule.  I missed my workouts.  I gotta be honest, there for a little while I was in a rut and was not seeing any results.  I FINALLY found something that works for me.  It's so nice to see such great results in a small amount of time.  I'm not where I want to be but I'm headed in the right direction.  Please feel free to get a hold of me and I'll let you know!  It's something that works for me and I plan to continue for the rest of my life. 

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