Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Hey guys!  Christmas was a huge success for our families.  Carter got SO much.  It's pretty overwhelming.  He had a great time opening his gifts and tried to open everyone else's.  Everyone had a pretty good idea of what he likes because he got loads of planes, trains, and trucks.  He's really getting into learning how to draw his letters so he got something huge to draw one and a leap pad 2 that he loves.  I don't have many pictures but I did film every single bit of it. 

Carter was such a good boy the entire time.  He's usually not a fan of crowds but they do not bother him in the least now.  He also went yesterday without a nap and ended up going to sleep at 9:30 and slept all night.  I'm thinking that may be something I try out for a little bit....NO NAPS!  When he gets a nap in he WILL NOT fall asleep any earlier than 10:30 or 11:00 and then it's hard to wake him up in the mornings.  We'll see how that goes and we'll see what Mrs. Lisa has to say about that :)

I got some great things too.  I got home boots, shoes, money, jewelry, clothes, cookbook, socks and makeup.  My Nana also got me this cool touchpad game.  I can't put it down.  Nick got a new hunting jacket, money, deer target.  Well, actually the touchpad game was actually for him but I stole it.   What's mine is his right?

My house it like WHOA!  I don't even recognize it when I walk in.  I usually keep a somewhat picked up and clean house. (as clean as it can get with a 2 year old minus all my clothes slung everywhere in my spare bedroom.)  Toys are taking over our house.  It's time to go through and clean out baby stuff that he does not even look at anymore and put up in storage.  We have trains every where we look!!  But he does play with all of those.

So, anyways, I'm ready to get this new year started.  I know I am getting pretty annoying with all of the workout and Beachbody posts but I have finally found something that I am very passionate about and I am so excited to spread this to all of you.  Getting fit, happy, and energized is what this has done for me.  Yes, I do make money but if I never made a dime off of any of this, I would still be using these programs because of what it has done for me and my family. 

Why did I start doing this?  I had to.  I was just getting to where I was no longer happy with who I was.  I was letting small stuff get to me, I was holding grudges for no reason at all, and I just didn't have the "want to" to do anything!!  The truth about it was that I just was not happy with  myself.  I didn't like the way I looked, I didn't want to go shopping because I knew nothing would fit me anyways, I was addicted to junk food--which only made me more miserable-- and I didn't have the energy to even do much with my Carter. 

So, now I am seeing results, I'm gaining confidence, I'm fitting in jeans from high school and I'm just an overall happier person.  My husband has even commented on how much better my attitude is.  Not only am I bettering myself, I am bettering my family.  I am finally sleeping soundly at night without so much dang stress on me.  It's a wonderful feeling.  I am not near where I want to be, but going in the right direction is such an awesome feeling.

No time you say?  I work a full time job, have a 2 year old, a house to clean, dinner to cook every single night and I still find a way to fit in my 30 minute workout.  Yes, it takes time management, which has never been a strong point for me, but I am getting better every single day.

Can't afford it?  Well let's find a way to afford it.  It's worth it.  I didn't think I could afford it either, but there's always a way if you look hard enough.

Yes, making money is a perk, and I am more than willing to share with you what I do, how much I make, and give you the same opportunity that I have.  It is a LIFE CHANGER!! 

So, let's make 2014 a good one.  Go here and sign up on my page.  Just click Join after you go to that link.  It's completely free.  Look around, do your research, and see for yourself what awesome products there are out there.

Talk to me!  Let me know what issues you are having with your body.  Let me help you.


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