Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Exciting News

The most exciting thing that I can say about myself is that I cut 2 inches off my hair.  Pretty sad, huh?  Well, that's not true...I take that back!  I actually started drinking this honey and cinnamon concoction twice a day that my friend Lee told me about.  It makes me feel amazing and energized.  If you want the exact measurements then just message me, it won't disappoint. 

I also go to go meet my brand new nephew, Ryker.  He's precious and looks just like big brother.  If he ever grows into his big hands and feet then he is going to make big brother and cousin Carter look like midgets.  They better start sucking up now.

I have really been missing my best friends here lately.  I mean, I always miss them, but I really really miss them right now.  It bites that I can't just pick up and go see them.  Keatha lives in Oklahoma: 5 hours away.  Holli lives in Dallas: 4 hours away.  Toshya lives in Ohio: at least 15 hours away.  Britni lives in Warren: 2 1/2 hours away.  Kari, who just got married, lives in Canada: several plane rides away.  Tonya and Elizabeth lives in....oh that's right, Nashville....We need to work on that!!  There is so much going all with all of them it seems and I am missing it all.  Any donations to pay for my way to go see them all is welcomed and appreciated.

Carter's wonderful.  He's at a very fun age.  Learning new phrases every. single. day!  I give him a month or two and he will be saying full on sentences.  He just talks constantly when he is at home.  It took him a little longer, but he is finally about to get caught up with where he needs to be with his speech.  Like any other toddler, he hates when I say anything.  Homeboy has an attitude.  We're working on that.

He's still so smart.  He can count to 40.  If I give him the first 2 letters of his name he can finish spelling it out.  He is having a lot harder time with his colors than he did with letters and numbers, but I think he is about to get them.  Blue is by far his favorite color.  He knows most of his shapes.  He says "please" after he asks me to do something for's so sweet!!  We are now working on "yes mam".

Bedtime is a fight every night.  He just don't want to go to bed.  He wants to stay up and play.  He's so silly!

Anyways, nothing exciting, I know.  But that's all I have for ya. 

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