Saturday, October 5, 2013

Scrapper Football

We took Carter to his first football game of the year last night.  He LOVED it!!  He loved seeing all of the balloons go into the air.  He kept saying, "Where balloons go?  In the clouds?".  He also loved all the big football players.  During warm-up, he kept trying to run out on the field with them.  He got so upset when we wouldn't let him.  I'm pretty sure, though, that the popcorn was his favorite part.  He sat with my mom during most of the game, which I'm sure was another favorite part for him.  I'm pretty sure he loves her more than he loves me and Nick.  He gave lots of hugs to people he didn't even know, which is very rare.  I was proud of him.

One problem though.  After we were there for about an hour he told us that he needed to pee pee.  So I took him into the bathroom and he wouldn't use the big toilet.  I then tried to just let him pee in the grass in a corner outside and he wouldn't do that either.  He wanted his little potty at home.  It's not like that thing can fit in his back pack or anything.  Since I had a pull up on him, we went ahead and stayed at the game for another 2 hours.  He wouldn't use his pull up (since he never wears a pull up, I think it made him very uncomfortable).  So he finally got that panicked look in his eyes that he REALLY needed to go so we left the game early.  Right when we got home he sprinted to his potty and went.  Safe to say that he is fully potty trained....but only on his little potty.  Any suggestions on how to the make the transition easier from little potty to the big one would be greatly appreciated.  We won't be able to go anywhere without lugging the little potty around unless he gets this down.

Here's a good little story.  Nick and I always joke with each other about who Carter loves more.  Two nights ago, I asked Nick to put Carter to bed for me because I was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed early.  So, Nick took him back to his room and the next thing I know Carter came running back into the living room crying.  I asked Nick what was wrong with him and it nearly killed him to tell me that Carter said I. WANT. MOM!!  Mom-1 Dad-0.  I put him down with a big smile on my face.

AD and I have become real pathetic and lazy here lately on our workouts.  But, come Monday we are going back at it.  We made a deal not to cancel anymore unless we absolutely had to.

I'm hoping that by the next blog, I can tell you all about the new babies coming into the world.  Can't wait to meet them!!  Janice, Abbie, and ya'll.  HANG IN THERE!!  Praying for 3 healthy babies.

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