Thursday, September 26, 2013

Goodbye Summer

Well, its officially fall.  I know most of you won't agree but I hate it!!  Summer didn't last near long enough for me.  I have to say that besides having his tonsils removed, Carter had an awesome summer.  He loved swimming and playing on the slip n slide at Mia's house.  He loved going on his evening rides on the ranger with Daddy every day.  He loved riding in his jogging stroller with me every now and then and he will for sure miss riding the lawn mower with Grumps.  But most of all, I think he will miss ramping in the golf cart with Mia, playing in his mud puddles and piddling around the pond.

On a better note...

I am excited to tell you that Carter has been diaper free, except at bedtime, for 2 weeks.  He is completely potty trained at home.  He has not had an accident at home for nearly a week now.  He does have the occasional accident other places.  He had one yesterday at Nick's parents house and he told them that he was sorry.  How sweet is that?  I have made a point to never get on to him when he does have one.  I just say, "That's ok, Carter.  Next time can you go in the potty, please?"

The whole process was nerve racking, messy, and frustrating.  He did pick it up a lot quicker than I expected, which made me so proud of him. I do have to say that he looks so cute in his undies.

He is talking more and more every day and he is so much happier now that he can tell us what he wants.  He is starting to get a tad bossy... yesterday he told me to pick up his toys.  When I don't do something that he wants RIGHT THEN he says, "tic toc".  Where in the world did he come up with that???  When I ask him a question, instead of saying yes, he says "otay".  He calls me mom and Nick dad.  He completely skipped the whole mommy and daddy phase.  Weird.  It is still crazy for me to hear him talk to me.  Love it!!  He is still loving his "school time" that we have at home.  He can't get enough of letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and puzzles.  We are working on sight words also.

I'm afraid that Nick and I don't have a ball player on our hands.  He couldn't care less about a bat and ball.  He actually takes his bat that he has at home and lines it up behind his trucks like a trailer.  Trucks, airplanes, and tractors are his go to toys.  We are okay with that.  With all the surgeries that ball playing got us, we are not so sure it's worth it.  Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to watch him play sports, but if he don't want to, we're definitely not going to make him.  My nephew, Warren, on the other hand, could play t-ball tomorrow and be awesome. He's pretty talented for a 3 year old.

He can say his first bible verse: "God loved us, he sent his son".  He says it all the time.  That makes my heart smile.

Last night was the second night in a row that he slept in his bed all night.  Ummm....stop growing up please!!??

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