Tuesday, March 5, 2013


It's been several days since I have posted and I really don't have a lot that's been going on.  Just been working, working out, and playing with the coolest 1 year old on the planet.  I have signed up for a relay and my leg is 5.5 miles long.  That may not sound very hard to some of you but, for me, that's a big deal.  I am having to really train hard in a short time because the race is next month.  But, together, AD and I will be ready for it!  AD and I were up to running about 6 miles a while back, then after we ran our 5K race, we decided to take a week off to rest.  Which, of course, turned into a month long rest.  I hate us so hard for doing that!!  All that hard work and now we are having to start all over again.  We won't make that mistake again.

How's Carter been?  He been very good, but he is nothing shy of a mess!  And here is the evidence.

Here he is in our bed.  He is a terrible bed partner.  "Don't put him in your bed, then,"  you say?  Well, COME ON!  After the 5th time in one night that he comes in our room after taking him back to his bed every time before, then that's when we give up.  Sleep is very precious in our house and when we are sleep deprived, then the battle is lost.
And that's exactly how he sleeps all night.....on Nick.  His face literally has to be touching Nick's head or he is not happy.  Poor Nick.
Then here he is in the floor at a store because I didn't let him pull shirts off the hangers.  How dare I???
But then there are times like these where he is the sweetest little soul on the Earth.....that needs a haircut.
He is still a fan of the outdoors.  So when it's nice, we walk about 2 miles with him while he pushes his wagon.  If he's not a track star when he gets older, then I will be shocked.  He sure does have stamina.
But more than anything right now (even trucks) he is really loving letters and numbers.  Everywhere we go he points out letters and numbers on signs, in books, on menus, ect.  He knows about 5 or 6 letters by heart. 
He is still not talking much.  But every now and then he will pull out words that I had no idea that he knew and say them like he talks all the time.  The other day we were playing with Carter and my Papa said "Where's Carter???"  And Carter ran in the room he was in and said "I'm here!"  Plain as day.  He sure has gotten into a good habit of pointing and grunting for what he wants.  So I am just going to have to be patient.....which is not my strongest attribute.

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