Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Fitness Journey

My name is Catherine and I am 26 years old.  I am married to the love of my life, Nick, and I have a son that just turned 3.  I'm slowly but surely coming to the realization that I do not have a baby anymore.
 Let's go back 8 years ago to when I was in high school.  I was always in some kind of sport.  Sometimes I had two seasons going on at the same time.  Basketball, softball, track and I was a cheerleader and in gymnastics even before that.  I was so active constantly!!  I did not even know what a diet was.  I ate like a horse.  My weight was sitting at 123.
I then went and played softball at a D1 school in college in 2006.  Loved it!!  I still ate what I want when I wanted to.  The freshman 15 never found me.  I gained a few pounds but it was only muscle from lifting weights so often.  I gained to 128.

I graduated in 2009 and got married to Nick, who I had been dating for about 4 years.  Four short months later we found out we were having a baby!!

April 21 was the best day of my entire life.  We brought a little boy into the world and we were so in love with him.  We took him home and felt so blessed.


Carter was definitely not the easiest baby.  He had 104 fever every other week, so we were at the doctor at least every other week.  Since he was always sick, he never slept good….therefore momma didn’t sleep good.  There was nothing we could ever do to make him feel better.  LOTS of trips to children’s for different appointments, to different doctors, trying to figure out what was causing all of his sickness. He ended up having 3 surgeries in 6 short months.  Stressful didn’t even begin to describe it.   

I began to stress eat.  I found myself eating at McDonalds every single day.  I also found myself not happy.  My attitude began to be horrible with everyone I came into contact with. 
Even after Carter was all better, I still had the habit of turning to food when it came to anything.  I would let so many things make me mad and I made a big deal about everything.  I would have to get up an hour early before work just to find something that would fit me.  None of my clothes fit and there were many mornings where I would sit in my room and cry because I had gotten so big.
I ate a lot of this
and this
I was completely disgusted with myself.  I no longer wanted to go out to different functions or even go shopping because I knew it would only make me more depressed than I already was. 
My son would beg me to get off the couch and play with him but I literally had no energy or want to to do anything.  I knew I had to make a change.  But as I said before, I had never had to deal with this and I didn’t even know where to start.  I was so lost.

I tried the gym thing.  It was like having to pack to go camping with a baby.  Plus since he was always sick I could ever stick to it because he was my first priority of course.
Then one day I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a video of a mom working out in her living room with her baby watching her.  I got the courage to message her and she told me about some home workouts that were available to me and she also introduced to me Shakeology.  I told her to tell me how I can get my hands on this stuff and she hooked me up.  I have never looked back since.
I started out introducing this guy as my personal trainer into my living room
I started out very slow, because I had become so out of shape.  I couldn't even do one single push up on my toes.  But I kept at it.  I didn't give up.  I kept seeing my family in my mind and instead of making them my excuse like I had before, I made them my reason.  They kept me going.  I got faster and stronger.
I got better, but no where near where I wanted to be.
I decided to take the next step up and introduced Tony Horton into my life and living room as my new trainer. 
I started eating a lot of this
and this

I also drank this every day


I got fast, I got strong, and I EARNED my new transformation
I am still not where I want to be yet.  I am still writing my story every day.  This is not something that is temporary for me.  This is my new lifestyle.  Did it happen overnight?  No.  Was it easy?  Heck no!  Was it worth it? Yes. Yes. Yes. 
I can't tell you the feeling that I even get writing this.  I feel now that I can accomplish anything if I set my mind to it.  I have gained happiness, energy, a better attitude towards people and life in general, and confidence.  Not to mention a bikini ready body for my cruise that I am going on this month.
Shortly after I started my programs, I knew I needed more.  I wanted to help others achieve the goals that I had reached myself.  I wanted others to feel the happiness that I do.  So I became a Beachbody coach.  One of the best decisions that I have ever made.  It feels nice reaching my fitness goals, but when I help others do it, it's a whole new world.  It brings me so much joy.  Just inspiring you guys and knowing that I am helping you....IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!  If you would like to join my team by helping others please reach out to me.  I will work closely with you to make sure you are being successful.  I will bring you to the top with me, because that's where I am going.
Thank you for reading. Much love to each and every one of you!

Monday, February 3, 2014


Today is the day!!  I'm excited for all of you that are interested, because you are going to get results like you'd never believe!!


What is 21 Day Fix™?

21 Day Fix is a nutrition and fitness program that makes losing weight so simple, anyone can do it. Easy-to-follow portion control and 30-minute workouts take the guesswork out of losing weight to help you see results fast—up to 15 pounds in just 21 days!  Whether you want to lose a few pounds before your next vacation or jump-start a bigger weight-loss goal, 21 Day Fix is the program for you. It’s simple, it’s fast, and
it works. If you’re ready to get serious, 21 Day Fix can help you lose the weight.

Why is 21 Day Fix effective? Because it’s so simple! You don’t have to count calories, points, or log your food into diet software. With 21 Day Fix, everything is laid out for you. All you have to do is use the specially designed portion-control containers and do one 30-minute workout per day. Commit to it for 21 days, and you’re going to love your results.
What makes 21 Day Fix unique? It’s the only fitness and nutrition program that combines portion-control
containers and world-class workouts. By placing equal emphasis on fitness and
healthy portion control, 21 Day Fix can help anyone lose weight—and keep it
off—in a way that’s simple and sustainable. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds
or 100 pounds, you can do it with this program.
So she created short but effective workouts that take only 30 minutes a day, along with a simple eating plan that doesn’t require you to spend hours in the kitchenAutumn Calabrese is your personal trainer:
Autumn Calabrese is a celebrity fitness trainer, busy mom, and national-level bikini
competitor. She came up with the idea of a portion-control container system
after watching a client eat an entire 1,300-calorie salad in one sitting because it
was “healthy.” Autumn realized that supersized portions were hurting her clients’
weight-loss success because they were eating too much without knowing it. So she
developed portion-control containers to help people see how simple it is to eat the
right amounts and lose weight easily. And as a single mother, Autumn understands
how hard it can be to fit exercise and healthy eating into a jam-packed schedule.
What's included in 21 Day Fix?Essential Package:
• 7 color-coded portion-control containers
• Shakeology® shaker cup
• 6 easy-to-follow 30-minute workouts
• 21 Day Fix Start Here quickstart guide and workout calendar
• 21 Day Fix Eating Plan that shows you exactly what to do
• 3 Day Quick Fix Guide, Autumn's secret weapon for fast weight loss
• Dirty 30 bonus workout

What equipment is needed?
• Dumbbells or a resistance band are used in some workouts...THAT'S IT!

 Do I have to do the workouts, or can I just follow the portion-control Eating Plan?
• Both the workouts and Eating Plan are essential to get the best results in 21 days.
• If you're worried about being out of shape, we suggest you follow the modifier and do
what you can, rather than skipping the workouts entirely. You'll feel stronger in no time.

Can I use other containers I have at home?
• No, these are custom-designed for 21 Day Fix. Other containers may have the wrong
 proportions and you will not be successful unless you follow the Eating Plan using
 these containers.
• Very few (if any) other containers come in the variety of sizes needed for 21 Day Fix.

Can I eat out at restaurants when I do 21 Day Fix?
• Yes! The Eating Plan includes a restaurant guide that shows you how to practice portion control at your favorite restaurants.

What does it mean when you say "no off-limit foods"?
• The 21 Day Fix Eating Plan shows you how to incorporate treats (like chocolate and wine) into the plan . . . and you can still lose weight.

What makes the 21 Day Fix workouts so effective?
• 21 Day Fix takes all of the guesswork out of working out. You know which workout to do
 each day and can be confident you're working your whole body efficiently in just 30 minutes a day.
• The workouts yield consistent calorie-burning results, unlike a treadmill workout that can have very inconsistent and inaccurate calorie counts.
• The 30-minute boot-camp style workouts keep your heart rate up throughout, so you have an effective and efficient workout that burns maximum calories.

• There's a modifier in every workout to show you how to take down the intensity while still getting awesome results.
• Trainer Autumn Calabrese created a 7-day-a-week schedule to give you the best results
 in just 21 days. Each day of the week is a different workout, all perfectly designed to avoid overtraining and keep you injury-free.

What are the workouts?

7 workouts on 2 DVDs (VHS not available)
Dirty 30 workout**
Total Body Cardio Fix
Upper Fix
Lower Fix
Pilates Fix
Cardio Fix
Yoga Fix

Watch this quick video!!
If you are seriously interested and want some amazing results, message me.  My challenge group for 21 Day Fix starts February 17, 2014.  I look very forward to hearing from you!