Saturday, August 31, 2013


Hey!  Just wanted to drop in and say that we are alive and well.  Nick is doing his working and golfing thing every week.  Me?  I am doing my non-workout/non-motivated/eating everything in sight thing.....and I'm pretty good at it.  Never in my non pregnant life have I ever been as big as I am right now.  It's frustrating and I need to do lots of soul searching to get my mind right again.  Have you even been to that point where you try on clothes after clothes after clothes from your closet and nothing fits...and then that's your breaking point that you need to seriously do something?  Well I'm there.  Give me a couple days and I will set some goals for myself. 


Since I have been working more here lately, I have not been the housekeeper that my clean house phobia personality wants me to be.  So, I stayed up til midnight cleaning house...dusting, laundry (that was A JOB!), dishes, floors, bathrooms....the usual.  A mother's work seriously never ends.  It is so frustrating and heart warming all at the same time (but mostly frustrating).

I'm sure you know how Carter is since I post on Facebook every time he does something that I think is amazing--which don't take much.  You probably have realized that I am a little tiny bit obsessed with him.  But In case you need a run down, I am more than happy to do that for you.

He's so smart.  Like, shocking my socks off every day.  He knows all of his ABC's by heart and by letter recognition.  He also knows all of their sounds which is why his speech therapist said he will be an excellent reader.  If we want to get anything done or for him to work on something else, like a puzzle, we have to hide the ABC stuff.  He loves it that much.  He can count to 12.  He knows most of his shapes and only a few colors.  As long as he has learning activities in front of him he couldn't care less about the TV.  AND he is up to about 70-80 words consistently and repeating LIKE CRAZY!!!  No sentences or anything, but a couple 2 word phrases.  Now, that's coming a long way in a very short time.  I'm beyond proud of him. 

He started going to church on Wednesday night and he loves it.  It's so awesome to hear him say church and God.  I'm very pumped about that one.

He has gone to two movies in the theaters and did great.  Watched the entire movie both times.  That's a pretty good attention span for a 28 month old.

Mark my words...Carter will be completely potty trained after next weekend.  He's ready.  We have to get passed Uncle Keller's wedding and then we are going all in.

All in all,  he's a good kid.  He don't get into anything he is not supposed to.  He listens very well.  We do have to deal with the occasional attitude but it's never anything that a serious look can't fix.  No tempter tantrums in a very long time.

He's happy.  I'm happy.  This is a wonderful life that I live.  Thank you God!

Monday, August 12, 2013


What a week my little family and I have had!!  Last Friday my mom and I took Carter to the ENT doctor because his breathing was not so great, especially at night.  He was having severe sleep apnea where he pretty much quit breathing for moments at a time and it would always wake him up gasping for air and scared the daylights out of me and Nick.  Anyways, long story short, the doctor said his tonsils are huge and that he thinks they should come out ASAP.  So before the day was over we scheduled Carter for his third and biggest surgery. 

Thursday rolled around and we had to be at St. Michael's hospital at 6 A.M.  They wheeled him back and 20 minutes later they were done.  So much easier than what we expected.  We dreaded it all week.  We had prepared ourselves for Carter to be very needy, cranky, not eat, not drink, and pretty much just want us the entire time.  About an hour after his surgery.......

.....As you can see he proved us wrong from the get go.  We had to make him lay down and rest some.  We were told that it's the second and third day that will be the hardest for him and that he will only eat popsicles and ice cream for a week and not to be shocked if he lost about 4-5 pounds.  Once again he proved us and the doctors wrong.  In between naps all he has done is play play play and he has not eaten as much as he usually eats but he has eaten real food from the get go.  He has eaten 6 breakfast burritos, lots and lots of steamed veggies and meat, drank lots of whole milk, and about 12 popsicles.  Safe to say that my boy is a trooper.  He has kicked this surgery in the face and I am so proud of him!!! 
St. Michael's pediatrics has it going on!! We had awesome nurses the entire time and they had every Disney DVD he could watch and an awesome playroom.  If anything, Carter had fun!!
I am not sure if his big tonsils kept him from talking as much as he wanted, but since they have been gone, Carter has really started communicating.  He still has a ways to go to get where he needs to be but he is making drastic improvements really fast.  He loves for me to quiz him on his letters and numbers.  He loves to scribble (finally).  He is becoming interested in his shapes, also.  He is starting to become very creative with blocks and building things. You can name any animal to him and he will make the sound that they make.  He is OBSESSED with building tents.  Every time he sees a bed sheet he asks me to build him a tent (thanks Mia, for showing him that).  In three days, I bet Nick and I have built 25 tents.  Nick has also introduced him to golf (oh boy) and he loves it.  They hit golf balls in the house constantly.  So many of my prayers are being answered.  Potty training may be closer than I think.
I am starting to buy winter stuff for the lil man.  I bought my first order last week.  It is right around the corner and I don't want to have to buy all at once.  My bank account don't like that too much.
Anywho, that's our life as of lately.  Have a great day!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Shopping Issues

Shopping with Carter is becoming a problem. He thinks every toy is his and that he is supposed to take one home from every store we go to. Friday, Mom and I went into Kohls and oddly Carter knew right where the toys were so that's where he headed. 

This is the series of events that occurred.

1. He looked very carefully and picked out the biggest and most expensive truck they had 

2. He would not let us touch it because he thought I was going to make him put it up. So he held on to it for dear life.

3. He had to sit with it in the car... There was no separating him from this thing.

4. Cling to 18 wheeler issues only got worse when we got home.

Little guy will have a very hard lesson here pretty soon when I have to tell him be can't take every toy home that he wants.