Monday, July 15, 2013

Potty Training 101

When there is something that I have absolutely no clue about (when it comes to being mother) I do lots of research and ask other moms lots of questions.  Dang, there is a lot of methods to potty training.  I don't like that.  I am a black and white kinda girl.  I like "this is the only thing that will work, so do that".  Lucky me, potty training is nothing like that.  There is the bribery method, which I'm not so into.  Bribery is just not my parenting ways, so I don't want to start with this.  Of course if that's the only thing that will end up working, that's what I'll do.  There is easing into it method, which seems like that would just be a longer process.  And of course, there is the go all out without looking back method.  There is also all the other minor ones like letting him "water trees" outside and hitting the bulls eye in the middle of the potty.  I'm afraid if I let him water too many trees, Carter will be the little boy that will only go outside(even in public) and I'm not so fond of that idea either.

So I have decided to go with the go all in and don't look back method.  But the trick for this one to be successful and that Carter has to be 100% ready and willing.  I don't think we are quite there yet.  I let him run naked yesterday for a very long time and he did pee in the potty 2 times but it was when I saw he was about to go and I rushed him to the potty and set him down myself.  He is not letting me know when he needs to go and honestly, I am not sure he knows when he is about to go yet.  He will bring us diapers or try to take his off AFTER he goes, but that's it.  So he is showing a tiny bit of readiness but I think we are still a couple months away from going all in.  He knows what the potty is and he likes to sit on it and that's about it--but it's a start.  So for now, we are going to watch Daddy and keep his attention on it.  Then when he starts letting me know he needs to go...then BAM we are going all in.  I just think I am more ready than he is right now, and that's okay.  I know he won't go to college in diapers.

Nick and I had a very fun weekend!  We went with our good friends AD and Jeremy Pickett and floated Mountain Fork Saturday and it was fun!  The water felt awesome.  We both flipped our canoes but it would not be a successful float trip without doing that.  AD lost a shoe and Nick lost his hat that he has worn for about 5 years (I thought he was going to cry) but all in all it was a lot of fun.  We will for sure be going back.  I highly recommend Roma Italian Restaurant in DeQueen.  It was really really good!!  Someone needs to open one in Nashville.  Nick and I alone would keep you open.  It's very rare that Nick and I spend an entire weekend together.  We missed Carter so much but it was such a nice change.  Thanks to my parents for letting me off and working my shifts.

Monday, July 1, 2013


I have gotten a couple messages asking where in the world my blogs are.  Sorry, but I have not posted anything in a couple of weeks.  Nothing has really happened and I know you guys probably get sick of reading the same ol' stuff about Carter every time I blog.  But thanks for making me feel like my life is interesting enough to read about.

Where to start....

Carter loves the water.  Whether it's a mud puddle, pool, slip n slide, or at the water park he is in love.  We will be making lots of trips to the Diamond Mine water park and to my parent's pool this summer.

Carter is not sleeping well and is acting like his airway is being blocked again by adenoids.  He wakes up in a panic several times a night gasping for air.  So yeah, I am making him an appointment with the ENT doctor right when they open this morning.  As you probably remember, he has had them removed once already and they said there was a chance that they could grow back.  Poor little guy can't catch a break.

He is still chatting away.  His new favorite things to say, as of yesterday, is "Oh no!!" and "ooops" when he falls on purpose or accidentally drops something.  When he runs or plays trucks he also likes to yell "zooooom!!".  I have decided to take him out of speech therapy for now.  If he stops talking or goes backwards in his little speech journey then I will take him back, but I just don't think there is any need right now.  I think he should just be diagnosed with, "Stubborn like his Daddy Syndrome".

Nick and I played softball all day Saturday.  Nick came out of a 6 year retirement and he did awesome.  He pitched for the first time ever and only walked one batter all day.  He also hit really well.  I was so proud and had a blast playing with him.  We are both feeling our age and walking gingerly days after, though.  We can honestly say that we have made lots of new friends with this team.  I'm sad that our league is about to be over for the summer.

Well, that's all I got for today.  Adios!